Part 25

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"What?" I stutter out.

"WAIT! Oh yea he did come by a couple hours ago. Why?" Pops shouts.

I let out a sigh. "Oh cause he texted me." I lie. I walk into the kitchen. As I pull out a fiber one bar and some orange juice, I stop. I just stop. For a couple seconds I stop breathing. I stop moving. I stop blinking. I stop. It's blurry as I think. I think about myself. How I'm so ugly. How I'm so fat. I can't see how anyone likes me. Even Chandler. Other people seem to hate me. At least they can see the truth. I decide to put back the small breakfast. And not eat that meal. I walk into my room and stop at my mirror. I stare at myself. I stare at my imperfections. I shake my head and go on my phone. Big mistake. I see hundreds of hate saying I'm ugly and not good enough for Chandler. I throw my phone across the room. It slams into the wall with a crack. I kneel on my knees with my head in my hands. I let out a scream. Then the tv and talking stops to listen. I scream once more in frustration. I can hear sudden movement in my way.

"Maddi?!" Jake swings open the door.

"Maddi?!!" My dad screams after him. They look at me, broken down, in the middle of my bedroom. I'm clenching my hair with my face to the floor. Jake drops his hands at his side and kneels beside me.

"Hey, everything is alright." He assured me.

"No! It's not." I sob." Nothing is ok anymore. I'm stupid and ugly and fat, no one could ever love me. Not even you guys!" I sit up and rest my arms on my knees. Hugging my body while I shake.

"Madison." My dad sighs and sits next to me. "You have no idea how much people love you. Why are you thinking this? I love you, Jake loves you, Chandler loves you.." Then I black out. I must have been asleep for a couple hours because it's already late afternoon. I push away the covers and creep to the door. I peek around the corner. Then I listen.

"Is she ok?" I can hear a faint voice say.

"Yea yea but she's sayin stuff like you can't love her and she's ugly and stuff." Another says.

"She was so shaken up. I have no idea what got into her." The last one says. I hear one sigh and a shuffle. I run to my bed and jump into it. Then I pretend to be asleep.

"Maddi?" My door creaks open. I shake my head to pretend that woke me up.

"Huh?" I say quietly.

"Wh-whats going on?" It was Chandler.

"Ugh i dunno. I'm not good enough-"

"Eh hem! Uh-um did Madison Christine Reedus say she wasn't good enough?!" He acts like a child.

"Well yea." I shift.

"No. Maddi you are amazing and no one could replace you. You are beatufil and unique. What have you seen to make you think otherwise?" Chandler says.

"Well all of your 'chanfans' are saying I'm not good enough, that I'm a horrible person-" as soon as I said that, I regret it. He looks hurt. Chandler spins around and marches over to the chair. He picks up the gifts and comes back.

"Do you know what this is? What it said?" He holds up the cards. I nod and do a very faint smile. "Now why would I write that if it could not be true?" He smirks. Then he takes the teddy bear, hugs it, and then gives it to me. I snuggle it. Finally he reaches into the bag and pulls out a kiss. He sits cris-cross on my bed, at the other end. He opens his palm revealing the kiss and kisses it gently. Then gives it to me. As I take it he kisses me on the cheek. I thank him.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem I have more if ya want." He smiles.

"No, Chandler. Thank you for everything. Thanks for not giving up. Not leting me go. Not walking away. For making me feel better. For helping me find myself. For being yourself." I smile and kiss his lips and fall back asleep.

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