Part 16

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I feel tears running down my cheeks. I yank off the beautiful necklace and throw it to the ground. Chandler and Brighton's heads whip around to see me run away. Oh god. I feel like a little girl. I head for the door.

"Maddi?" My dad shouts. He catches me and holds me.

"Let me go!" I screech.

"Maddi!" Chandler runs out.

"Pops let me go now!" I yell and wriggle out of his grasp. Chandler sprints towards me. I don't stop running away.

"Maddi!" He cries out behind me. I turn the corner and keep running. I look back and he's not there. Finally I slow down and catch my breath. I walk around the next corner and BAM!!! I run into someone who tackles me down. I struggle but there too strong. It was Chandler.

"Get away from me! I hate you! And apparently you hate me to!!" I shout at him. He looks hurt. Oh please. I get up, dust myself off, and storm away. As I walk down the empty street my dad pulls up.

"Hey. Need a ride?" He smiles. I tear up and nod. He gets out and hugs me then hops back in. We soon arrive at the house. And before I know it, I'm in my bed alseep.

Beep beep beep! My alarm clock goes off. Uhhh why is my face wet? I feel it all down my cheeks. Was I crying? Hah that doesn't suprise me.

"Maddi you up? Hurry and get ready for the set." Pops calls from down stairs. I can already tell it's gonna be a loooong day. Groggily I get up and take a shower. Then get ready. Once I'm dressed, I go down stairs. "Pancakes?" My dad offers.

"Why pancakes?"

"Because I felt bad. So eat up." He tells me. I don't hesitate and scarf it down. My dad grabs his stuff and takes me to the car. Later, we arrive on set. I'm called to wardrobe immediately. I lumber on down there and the lady is waiting there.

"Hey sweet cheeks! So here is you're costume. Go change in you're trailer and then head on to makeup. Okay? Bye honey!" The lady does a toothy grin. I hobble back through the lot and finally reach my trailer. I reach for the door handler. As I grab it I feel a sense of something in there. Something I dot want to go to. I dunno... But who cares? I swing te door open and see an empty trailer. Oh.

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