Part 23

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We kinda make out but I'm too lazy to go into detail...

After that I ask," ugh I'm bored. "What ya wanna do?"

"Um I don't know." He smiles.

"Ooh! I know!" I grab his arm and drag him into the kitchen. I reach up into the pantry and take out a box.

"What? A box?" Chandler laughs.

"Brownie mix!" I shout. "Let's make em!"

"Why not?" He shrugs. I tell him I'll be right back and he should get out the ingredients. I quickly run up the staircase and into my room. Then I rip off my favorite jeans from my survivor collection and throw on a pair of comfy sweats. I then run back down stairs.

"Did you start with out me?!" I laugh as I sprint into the room.

"Hahaha of course not cutie." He smiles and leans in. As I lean in too he throws flour all over me.

"Augh! Not fair!" I smile. Then I run over to the flour bag and grab a handful and throw it all over his shirt. "Ha ha hahaha." I point.

"Oh Madison Christine Reedus. You are gonna regret that!" He shouts and tackles me by my waist. We slam into the ground in a puff of white surrounding us. As he pins me down, in between our insane laughter, he grabs the bag and pours a bit on me.

"Awwwaahhhhhh!!" I laugh and cough out flour. "Chandler!" I scream in laughter. I try to grab the bag but he holds it above us. "No! Give it!"

"Nope!" He laughs. I start to tickle him. He smiles his amazing smile and laughs super hard. Then at that moment he drops the flour bag to defend himself sending the bag of flour on me. I'm covered in the white powder.

"Chandler!" My jaw drops in suprise.

"Oh jeez I'm sorry!" He gets off of me and offers a hand. I take it and look around the flour covered kitchen.

"Woa." I stare. We both stare then burst out laughing. "So Chandler?" I move closer smirking at him.

"W-what?" He looks uneasy.

"How about...A HUG?!" I open my arms wide and smash myself into him. Right as I make contact he's already covered in the flour. But I think to keep hugging as we are surrounded in clouds of white powder.

"AHHH!" He laughs. Then he tries to scoop some up off the ground but I push him over as we both burst out into another laugh attack. When he lies in the flour mound on the floor I lie next to him. He sighs and effortless my smacks my face with a handful. I just laugh and let it be. That makes him giggle.

"Maddi!" My dad stands in the door way. Chandler and I dart right up. Andrew and Steven look in awe around the room.

"Yes?" I laugh. Just when I was about to expain we were making brownies they plunge right in. Andrew throws flour at me. Chandler throws it at Steven, Ect. Ect. It all ends in everyone laying on the ground in flour. I'm still laughing inside. Chandler scoots a little so he's next to me and lays down. I rest my head on his shoulder. He quietly kisses my forehead and smiles.

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