Part 5

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"Alright Madison, so this scene begins when Chandler finds you in the woods right? Right. Ok. Alright let's shoot it."

The buzzer goes off. Alerting the start of the scene.


Chandler was walking. And walking. And walking.

"Oof." He trips and tumbles to the ground. He darts up. Then brushes himself off. I run to him.

"Help me! Help me. Help!!" I cry.

"Woa woa what's going on." Chandler demands. He places his hand on his gun in alert.

"They're comming! Help me! Help meeeheheeee." Chandler grabs my wrist and sprints. I follow with salty tears streaming down my frozen, dirty face. Chandler held on to my wrist the whole way there. He screams for the gate to open. And it did.

"What's goin on?" Daryl asks. I just act in a scared faze. My eyes searching everyone that was walking towards me.

"Who is she?" Maggie asks.

"Let's find out." Rick steps towards me.


The buzzer sounds off again.

Everyone sighs and walks off to their trailers. Everyone but me and Chandler of course. He quickly looks at me then looks away. Ugh. I walk over to the food table. Hmmm how about pretzels? Nah...ooh! Gold fish! I take a couple and eat the cheesy goodness.

"You were great in the last scene." Chandler makes me jump.

"Uh thanks. You were too."

"Thank you. So what are ya gonna do until the next scene?" He asks.

"Ummm probably go play some video games. Come with?" Just to be nice.

"Ok I know you hate me. I know you think I think I'm better than everyone else. And that I'm spoiled. And annoying. But Madison, I'm none of those. I promise. You're not the first to think that but I can change your mind at least. Please?" And with that I was totally shocked. And in that shocking moment I finally nodded.

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