Part 22

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I quickly peck his lips and look away. Immediately I feel guilty.

"Ugh." I frustratedly shout.

"What?" Mingus smirks. I give him a look of discust and sprint away into the bathroom. I turn into the farthest stall and lock the door. My eyes tear up, my stomach hurts, ears are ringing, and my head hurts. I can feel my salty tears starting to drip down my face but I stop them.

"Maddi! Maddi!" Alli shouts. I can hear her running foot steps. I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Hi.." I quietly say. But I keep my eyes on the ground.

"Maddi are you ok? What happened?" She quickly hugs me then searches for her explanation.

"I kissed Mingus that's what. You liked him! And Chandler is my boyfriend! I love Chandler with all my heart and I hope he feels the same. It's him, Alli. Not stupid Mingus. It felt weird and I don't want Chandler to know! I don't want anything else to happen!"

"Aw it's ok. It's OK. First of all be honest with Chandler. Second, does he know you think it's him? And I think it's time to go home." Alli smiles.

"Ok. " we walk out the door and locate our table. I walk over feeling a little shame and guilt. Chandler runs to hug me.

"Are you ok?" He whispers in my ear as we embrace.

"Yea. I'm all good." I let go and fake a smile. "I uh think we should get back."

"Ok." He smiles and intertwines his fingers with mine. For the walk back it was very quiet. Soon, we get to the house.

"I gotta go." Mingus finally says, Alli does too. We all say goodbye to him and Alli.

Chandler and I walked into my dad's house. It was dead silent.

"Where is everybody?" Chandler asks.

"I dunno.." I spot a note. "Dear Maddi and Chandler, the guys and I went out for some more beer. U kno we need it..



"Oh jeez." He laughs. I join him.

"Ok um I need to talk to you." I take Chandler's hand and bring him to the couch.

"What's wrong?" He immediately asks concerned.

"Well um I kinda liked the kiss between Mingus um that's why I ran off. I felt ashamed and really guilty. I mean I love you not anyone else."

"I'm sorry I dared you to do that, Maddi." He says.

"It's ok. Really. It is. I was reminded it's you." I smile and look up at him. And the next thing I know him lips are crashed into mine.

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