Part 15

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"Chandler?" I squint to see the darkness.

"How'd you know?" Chandler steps out. He's holding a rose and a little present.

"Because I knew you would never just cancel for no reason." I run and hug him. He embraces me.

"True true. So why are you out here?" Chandler questions.

"I needed a break. And because it wasn't any fun."

"Why not?"

"You weren't there." I pull apart and look up at him.

"Here. Turn around." I do as he says and spin to the other direction. I hear him open the box. I gasp a he places a cold necklace around my neck. I look down and it has a C in white stones on a heart.

"Oh Chandler. You didnt have to get me this."

"Of course I did." He smiles and hands me a single rose.

"I love you." I honestly say.

"I love you too." He replies as he crashed his lips into mine. Our lips move into sync. We eventually pull apart and walk into the party.

"Ehhhhy! Chandlers here!!!" The cast shouts and continues to dance. It's midnight before we know it. And everybody except my dad, Chandler, me, Andrew, and Brighton (Lizzie) go home. We all pitch in to clean up. Chandler and I start to sweep all the confetti and trash off the ground while everyone else is picking up food and trash.

"Be right back." Chandler says as he walks away to get another trash bag.

"K." I continue to sweep. Oh crap I forgot to tell Chandler thank you. I wonder if I can still catch him alone? I run towards the corner. As I turn I see the most horrific thing to see. It was Chandler. Kissing. Brighton.

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