Part 19

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We filmed all day. We did the whole episode called 'too far gone.' Everyone got separated. But I got away with Rick and Carl.

I flopped onto my trailer couch exhausted. Then I scrolled through my feed on Instagram and texted my best friend.

Maddi: heyyy

Alli: hey omg I miss you!!

M: I miss you too:( it sucks that I can't go anywhere..

A: I thought ur dad understood ur situation with Chandler??

M: yea but I came home past curfew again:/

A: smooth move

M:I'm ungrounded next week tho!! Haha wanna come over and go the mall??

A: hold on lemme ask


A:they said yes!!:D

M:yaaaaay! Can't wait:) see ya then

I switch on the tv and of course there's nothing on. So I turn it to sponge bob. A knock startles me at the door.

"It's open!" I shout to lazy to get up. My dad enters the trailer.

"Hey Maddi, time to go."

"Okaaaay." I sigh. I get up and sleepily shuffle to the car. My dad gets in too.

"Wow you're so excited!" He sarcastically exclaims.

"Yea. Woo hoo." I laugh. We drive home. Luckily it was a short drive and before I know it I'm in my bed fast asleep.

I wake up at 11:00 to the sound of the tv booming with a football game on. And shouting voices. The heck? I get up and stare in the mirror. Oh jeez. I look horrible. So I decide to jump into the shower. When I'm done I try to pick an outfit. I finally decide on a tshirt that says, ' zombies eat flesh' in the 'subway eat fresh' logo thingy. With that I pick out a white high waisted skirt to match some of the letters. To finish my outfit I throw on a pair of white high tops. Then I straighten my hair and put on a little makeup. Soon I go down stairs.

"Dad?" I shout over the tv.

"In here!" He laughs in a shout. The talking goes on. I enter the tv room and see Steven, Andrew, Chandler, and my dad watching the game on our huge flat screen. The room is filled with sodas, beers, chips, sandwiches, and trash.

"Oooooooh!!! Touchdown!!!" They all scream and cheer. I stand in the doorway laughing.

"Uhh.." I say.

"Oh sorry Maddi well watch my little pony with you later." They laugh.

"Hey! I watch football." I'm a little hurt.

"Yea yea. Maddi don't interrupt. We have guests." Pops scolds.

"Dad I really d-." I start to argue.

"Madison leave the guys alone." He sternly says as I look around. Everyone was looking at me. I didn't realize they paused the game.

"O-oh." I look down and walk out. I hear them play the game and start talking and laughing again. Then I hear a knock. I walk over to the door and open it. "Jake!" I shout as I hug my brother.

Well step brother. My mom remarried pops and then she got in a car crash and died when I was four. I never met my dad's original wife but to be honest I really don't want to. To sum things up Jake is my step brother that just came home from a month long sports camp, he's like a best friend to me, I call him my brother though, my mom died, my step mom doesn't live here and I've never met her, and I live with my dad only and call him my own dad.

"Maddi!" He says with excitement. "How's it been?"

"Ah alright. Um dad is here with Steven, Chandler and Andrew."

"Do you still hate Chandler?" Jake asks as he steps inside and shuts the door.

"Nah... actually we're like a thing now..."

"Maddi! That's great!" He hugs me again.

"And I got a role on the show as his love interest."

"Nice nice." He motions to keep talking as we carry his stuff upstairs.

"All the guys are watching the game if you wanna join em." I grunt as I haul his suitcase up the long stairs.

"Why aren't you with them?"

"They I'm kicked me out before I could sit down." I explain.

"Aw. That's really mean." He frowns as we finally reach his room.

"I don't care you can join them if ya want." I plob his suit case on his bed.

"Thanks Maddi!" He excitedly exclaims and hugs me to race down stairs. I sigh at being excluded. I walk out into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water.

"Hey." Chandler walks in.

"Oh hi." I sigh and go onto my phone.

"Oh hi." He says mockingly.

"Chandler." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Huh?" He smiles and sits next to me.

"Nothin." I keep my eyes on my phone.

"What? No looking at you're boyfriend?"


"W-what?" He acts hurt.

"Yea Chandler," I fake cry and start to laugh," I hate you."

"Maddi, I hate you too!" He fake cries but breaks into a laughter. We crack up together. " but really?"

"Really really. My dad's being a butt." I giggle. " so no cuz you didn't say anything."

"Not even for a kiss?" He pouts.

"Not even th-" I start. But I'm i interrupted by Chandler's lips.

"How about know?" He pulls back an inch and smiles.

"Weeeeell I dunnnooo." I grin and kiss him. He slids off his chair and holds out his hand. I take it and head upstairs to my room. He sits on my bed as I look through the movies.

"I don't see anything good." I saw as I keep looking.

"I do." Chandler says. I look back and see him smirking at me. I laugh and turn back to the movies. Hmmm I don't really see anything worth watching now. As I see the last movie, Chandler scoops me up.

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