Part 13

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"P-pops- what a-are you doin here?" I uneasily laugh.

"Madison Christine Reedus! You are so grounded! You know what you're contract says! But a co-star too? Big, big trouble. I don't even want my daughter dating someone! And Chandler! What do you think you're doing with my daughter?! Have you no respect? I thought we were good friends but then you make out with my sweet girl? Madison you will not see this boy. And that's final! Go to the hotel room right now!" My dad boomed. This is humiliating. Oh. My. God. This can't be happening. I'm so embarrassed. I nod and look at Chandler once and start walking away.

I stop. "No."

"What!" My dad turned around furiously.

"No." I repeated.

"Uh, Maddi, that's not a good idea.." Chandler whispers.

"Be quiet Chandler. You're lucky I won't tell you're agent. What did you say to me Madison?" He crossed his arms.

"Dad, no. You cannot stop me from seeing Chandler. Or anybody! It's my choice. I know I'm still grounded and in trouble, yea I get that. But it's not your choice pop. Don't get me wrong I love you but I'm pretty sure you felt the same way when you were my age. You wanted to be allowed to date whoever you wanted to. Whoever you loved. Whoever your heart was set on. Like mom? If your dad wanted you to stop would you? Even if you loved her so much it hurt? I feel that way about Chandler. I love him so much my heart aches. If I stopped seeing him I would go blind because he's all I need to see. If I stopped thinking about him my mind would be blank because he's all I can think about. If I stopped loving him I would be heartbroken because he's all I want. Don't you get it dad? It's him." I tell my father.

They both look at me. Speechless. I turn around and walk away. Weaving through the halls. I wind up on the roof. The city is to beautiful. Even if it's crowded with horrible things, it's amazing. I wonder what's going on with my dad or Chandler. How the took the speech? How they took my disappearance. We have to go back to Georgia tomorrow morning so I won't be long. I get a text that makes me jump.

Ryan: hey Maddi.

It was ryan. My ex boyfriend. Well secret boyfriend. But still an ex.

Me: oh hey.

R: what's up?

M: on a roof.

R:funnn... What are you doing on Tuesday?

I decide not to text back for the best. I better get back. They might be looking for me.

"Maddi?" I hear Andrew Lincoln say as I walk down the hall way.

"Uh yea?"

"Oh my! Everyone's been lookin for ya. We've been worried sick!" Andrew pulls me into a hug.

"Oh thanks for telling me." I fake a smile and continue walking until my room. I swing open the door to find most of the crew here. "Uhhh... Hello?" I wave.

"Maddi?" They all ask. I nod concerned. They all get up to hug me or tell me how they looked everywhere. Lastly Chandler comes up. He looks at me not talking then leaves looking ashamed.

"Madison Reedus." My dad walks over and gives me a hug. "Sweetheart, you're right. I can't stop you from seeing Chandler. I'm sorry." He kisses my forehead and let's me out of the hug.

"It's ok pops. I know you were trying to protect me. But come on you've known Chandler for a long time. Has he done anything horrible?" I laugh.

"No. He's a goody two shoes." My dad laughs too. "I love you honey."

"Love you too dad. Imma go pack up." I wave and head over to my bed. I start putting all of the loose clothes in my suitcase. And zip it up. I lay down on my bed and go on Instagram. I see a bunch of pictures people tagged me in or commented using my user. I like a bunch of pic, making people freak out, and soon fall asleep.

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