Part 12

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The sound of Chandler's phone going off woke me up.

"Really?" I groggily say," 7:00?" I let it go. Well, there's no going back to sleep now. I slip out of my hotel bed and throw on a pair of baggy sweats instead of shorts. Then I tie my wavy brown hair into a messy bun. Just before I open the door, to go who knows where, I quickly glance in the mirror. Ehhh not the best yet not the worst. Who cares? Finally I step outside the hotel room.

"Maddi?" A quiet voice calls from down the hall.

"Chandler? What are you doing up?" I whisper back. I quickly walk over and sit next to him.

"I couldn't sleep." He confesses.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"No. I just don't know."



"Hey! I found your phone. You must've dropped it last night." I smile and hand him his iPhone.

"Oh yea thanks."

After that it was just an awkward silence.

"Wanna go to Starbucks?" I ask.

"I uh have never had it." Chandler quietly says.

"Really? Wow. It's amazing, trust me. So do you wanna go?"

"But I'm only in a tshirt and shorts."

"Yea but look at me. Seriously you can't be worse." I argue.

"Yea you're right!" He laughs.


"Joking! You couldn't have looked more beautiful." He kisses my forehead. I giggle and jump up.

"Let's go!" I grab his hand and run down the hall.

"Woa! Were not supposed to run!" He pants.

"So? Who cares!" I laugh and look back at his grinning face. We soon reach Starbucks. Chandler quickly runs infront of me so he can open the door.

"Meh ladeh." He says in a snobby British voice.

"Haha! Well thank you, kind gentlemen." I curtsy and enter the store.

"What can I get for ya?" A girl asks behind the counter. She's eyeing Chandler.

"Um! How about two, grande, caramel fraps?" I tell her.

"Comming right up. And what are you're names?" She winks at Chandler. Was I getting jealous? Ew. That's not me.

"Maddi and Chandler." Chandler answers.

"And uh how do you spell Chandler?"

"C-H-A-N-D-L-E-R." He spells.

"And a number?" The girl flirts.

"He doesn't have one. Well not for you." I cut in.

"The contract." Chandler whispers through a smile.

"I don't care," I tell him.

"Number? Or a date?" The girl goes on. Shes getting really on my nerves.

"No. None." I answer.

" I wasn't asking you!" She yells and throws some coffee at me.

"Oh!" I'm drenched in the drink.

"Oops. Now, Chandler, wanna go out?" She goes on. I look at Chandler, soaked in coffee, pleading in my eyes.

"No! Give it a rest. I don't like you. I never will, because I have... Maddi!" He blurts.

"Is this true? Chandler Riggs star of TWD dating Maddi Reedus?" Some paparazzi suddenly appear. Oh no. Chandler helps me up and we sprint out the door.

"Oh jeez. Oh jeez. Oh jeez." I freak out.

"Calm down Maddi." Chandler tells me. We reach the hotel that's surrounded my more paparazzi.

"How do we get out of this?"

"Here." Chandler takes off his shirt and hands it to me.

"But now you're just in shorts and a tank top."

"So? It's ok if it means you're not drenched in coffee." He laughs.

"Thanks." I hug him. And put the shirt on. "Ok so you go in first and say you were on a jog, then a couple minutes later I come and say I was... Oh! Getting a pedicure. Ok?"

"Ok." He marches toward the hotel. And soon is completely surrounded by dozens of cameras and reporters. Then I do my part and walk up. After some autographs and questions we run inside.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"That was epic." He laughs. I laugh along.

"Yea yea sure. So, what are you doing today?" I ask.

"Uh I think I have to go to an interview. What about you?" We enter the elevator.

"Photo shoot. Wanna come after the interview? Then after we can get a bite to eat."

"Sure that sounds great." He smirks. It was almost our level. This is the first time we have had alone since we arrived in LA. I'm guessing he thought the same because he crashed his lips into mine. More sparks and butterflies. We kissed for what felt like ages. He nibbled on my lip to seek entrance to my mouth but I denied it kissing him more.

"Eh hem!" A mans voice snapped us out of it. We immediately broke apart. Who was this extremely rude man. That man was my father.

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