Part 32

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I'll admit it. I feel guilty. I'm now dating Hayes but I never let go of Chandler. I kinda wanna know what he wanted to tell me.

"MADISON!" Jake screams with rage. Oh crap.

"What?!" I shout. Jake storms in with Hayes. I sit up in bed. "what's going on?"

"Explain this!" Jake yells. He gives me his phone. I gasp. There, on twitter, trending: #mayesforever. Then on YouTube one of the most viewed videos was Hayes telling the reporter we're together.

"Huh." I stare at the screen. "Well, Hayes and I are together." I simply say.

"Yea." Hayes smiled at Jake.

"But your one of my best friends! And your my sister! This is nasty." Jake shakes his head. I look at Hayes and he looks at me. "But 100% ok with me." Jake finishes.

"Yay! Thanks for understanding!" I jump out of bed and cling to Jake in a hug. Jake leaves to go to his football game and later a party. Hayes stays in my room and we talk for hours. At one point we kinda make out. Then we talk and laugh more.

I get a text. Chandler: so you and Hayes are a thing huh?

I text back: what did you want to tell me.

Chandler: I want to tell you in person.

Me: why?

Chandler: it's personal.

Me: alright. But I can't.

Chandler: why?

Me: I'm with Hayes...

Chandler: oh... Please meet me at the park at 4:00?

Me: fine.

Chandler: ps don't bring Hayes

Me: yes your majesty.

I click my phone off and tell Hayes. He nods.

"That's cool." He says.

"Are you sure? Your leaving tomorrow." Time flies.

"Yea it's ok."

"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yes!" He laughs hard and kisses me. Mayes leaves the room after that. It's already 3:27. I change into blue skinny jeans and a cream sweater. I tie my vans and find Hayes.

"Bye Hayes I'm leaving." I hug him tightly and we do a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't have too much fun." He laughs. I nod and walk out. Soon, I arrive at the park.

"Maddi!" He calls from the picnic tables.

"Hi." I say plainly.

"Ok well I wanted to tell you that I broke up with Hana."

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