Part 31

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Jake and Hayes ask me to go to the mall with them. Of course I accept. The last time I was here was with Chandler...

"Anyone hungry?" Hayes asks as we walk through the food court.

"Definatley!" Jake laughs. Hayes nods to me.

"I guess I could eat." I smile. He smiles back.

"Okaaaaay..." Jake notices. I look away. We pick a table and order Subway. We laugh and talk. It's almost like we have known eachother forever. Well I've known Jake but not Hayes. In reality Hayes is amazing. He's nice and sweet and funny and cute. And not to mention a great kisser.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back." I say.

"Where are you going?" Hayes immediately wonders.

"Um I gotta pee." Wow no privacy Maddi, way to go.

"Ew." Jake laughs. I quickly get up and walk to the restroom. When I walk out no one is at our table. 'Where the hell did you guys go?' I text Jake. 'We're looking around come find us haha' I sigh and start walking. As soon as I leave the court I notice something. Well not something, someone.

"Maddi!" He screamed as I quick walked away. "Madison Christine Reedus!" He shouted again.

"No! Get away!" I yelled at Chandler. Yup. It was Chandler.

"I have to talk to you." Chandler yanked my arm. He pulled me aside. I tried to get free. "It's important."

"No. Chandler, get away! No means no!" I try to pry his hand off. No use.

"She said let go." Hayes appeared. "Let go." He demanded but slowly. Chandlers jaw dropped. He let go.

"But Maddi-" Chandler started.

"No, Chandler. I don't want to hear it." I look down. Chandler looks at me, I could see tears forming. He blinks them back and walk away. I hug Hayes. He tightens his arms around me. I take in his warmth and shut my eyes. He let's go and holds my shoulders.

"Maddi? Are you ok?" He tries to look into my eyes. I look down. "Maddi?" He takes his pointer and middle fingers and tilts my head up.

"Hayes, I'm sorry. And thank you." I keep my eyes locked into his bright, blue eyes. For a split second I see Chandler's eyes.

"Hey, don't apologize. You needed help." He smiles. I look at his smile and notice it's perfect. Then I look at his eyes, perfect too. All of a sudden his lips crash into mine. I move my hands to his neck and he rests his hands on my hips.

"Maddi Reedus? Are you dating Hayes Grier?" A reporter suddenly taps my shoulder. I sigh quietly but so Hayes can hear, I hear him laugh a little. The reporter shoves the microphone in my face then Hayes. She points to the camera and asks," so?" She nudges me.

"Well.." I look at Hayes. He smiles wide and takes the microphone.

"Yes, I am dating Madison Reedus, the most amazing girl, happily." Hayes gives it back. Then looks at me, smiles, and kisses me.

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