Part 28

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He stares at my face like I'm a siloette, trying to figure out if I'm there. I look for a moment and get up. I walk quickly to the closet. I grab a jacket and put out the fireplace.

"Here." I chuck the jacket at his face.

"What happened?" He looks around.

"You almost froze to death." I yank all the blankets off and fold them.

"Thank you." Chandler puts on the jacket.

"Now, leave." I say that as it echoed in my head. Chandler gets up and reaches for the door handle. I put the blankets away and sigh.

"I'm sorry." He opens the door and slips out. I regret being so rude but he was too when his relentless self complained about me. Like he told my I was 'perfect' but he lied. I decide to apologize. I drop the last blanket and race down the steps. As I jump off the last three, I land in a thud and stub my toe.

"Aw crap!" I shout in pain at my clumsy self. I run to the door and swing it open. I see Chandler hang up and smiles at something.

"Hey babe!" He says and hugs a girl.

"Chandler!" She squeals and hugs him. I burst outside and trip on a loose brick. They quickly let go to see me.

"Maddi what are you doing?" He laughs.

"Well thank you I'm fine." I clutch my ankle in pain.

"Omg are you ok?!" The girl asks. She says it through a fake smile.

"No not really." Nod to them.

"Let me help." Chandler kneels down.

"No! I uh mean no thanks but I'm alright. Heh I mean I don't want to cause any drama. So I'm gonna goo." I struggle to stand and limp inside. I shut the door and lean my back to it. I look out the window beside it and see Hana give Chandler a kiss. Chandler locks fingers with her and walk away. I grab an ice pack and head up to my room. Days pass and I haven't moved.

"Here's some soup. Dad told me to bring it to you." Jake gives me a bed tray with my meal.

"Thanks." Is all I say.

"Jeez Maddi. You are such a brat. All you got was a breakup and it's been five days in bed. Think of someone else for a change. God." He shuts the door with force. It makes me jump. I push away the meal and get up. I walk down the stairs slowly and find dad.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Maddi! Your up! Hey what's up?" He hugs me. I don't hug back.

I take a deep breath. "I want to quit."

"Hahahahahhahahah.... Quit what?"

"The walking dead. I never want to go back there."


"Also, I'm going to be going down to see grandpa."


"Bye." I turn quickly.

"Right now?!"

"Yes." I grab my book and phone.

"Well okaaay." He says. I walk out the door and walk down to grandpas house. I knock.

"Hello? Maddi! You are so big! Look how beautiful you are!" He hugs me tightly. What a lie.

"Hi grandpa! Do you mind if I read to you and your friends?" I ask.

"No not at all. Come on in!" He leads me into the living room and sits down. "This is Clara, Gertrude, Thomas, and Robert."

"Hi nice to meet you." I wave and smile. I haven't smiled in so long but I didn't really mean the smile. I read several chapters of Divergent. (Best book ever!!!) they thanked me and I walked home. As I walked up the driveway, I noticed something. A note. I walked over and read it.

"Looks like 'it's not you'. It's me in the end. Have a nice life." Signed by Hana. I stuff the note in my pocket and ignore it. I notice Andrew's car in the driveway too. I walk in.

"Maddi, I'm so sorry to hear." Andrew hugs me.

"What?" I ask.

"How you want to quit. You were so great. Why?"

"It's complicated." I lie. I slip my phone out and the note pops out.

"What's this?" Andrew looks at me and opens it.

"No!" I try to grab it. His eyes examine the paper.

"Oh." Is all he can say. "Maybe it's not that complicated." He crumples the note up in his fist.

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