Part 3

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"Ok!" I hear Chandler yell from outside. I flop right onto the couch and munch on some goldfish.

"Madison? Are you in here." Pops knocks from outside.

"Yep. Why?" I reply.

"Well, I need to talk to you."

"Um alright?" I open the door to the trailer. "Yea?"

"Out side." Dad says. I step out of the trailer.


"Wanna watch a scene?!" He breaks from a strict parent to an excited little girl.

"Sure!" We walk to the set of the scene. Woa look to all the zombies. There so cool. Each one has different makeup. There must be like a hundred. I didn't realize I was still walking. But as soon as I did. Oof!

"Watch where your going loser." A snobby rich girl says.

"Oh I'm- im so sorry." I stand and offer her my hand. She pushes it away.

"If I was called to the audition like you... Woooow I have such great chances."

"Hold up. Are you saying you're better than me?"

"If the shoe fits." She has an evil smile spread across her face.

"I swear I will take that shoe and shove it up your-"

"Madison!" My dad calls.

"Don't worry, you'll figure out the rest." I nod to her. The girls mouth drops open. I march all the way to my dad.

"So Madison in thi-"

"Dad, I wanna do the audition." I demand.

"Uh. Um alright if that's what you want."

"It is."

"Ok. But uh you might not be happy who it is..."

"I don't care."

"Ok then. Mark! Make an audition opening for my daughter Madison Reedus!"

"Yes sir!" Mark shouts. He hands me the script. But they call me in before I get to read it. Fantastic.

"Madison Reedus."


"Madison, please start from the line of,' Carl, I love you.'" What?! What did that lady just say?! Love? No. Oh gross! "Madison?"

"Oh, oh yes." I take a deep breath and try not to throw up. " Carl, I love you. You make me happy in this broken world. You're the reason I smile."

"My smile only exists when I'm with you." The lady fills in.


"Taylor." She says. "Ok then the scene ends. Great job! Well get back to you at noon."

"Thanks. Have a good day."

"And you!" The lady says. I walk out to see a mile of girls just lining up for this stupid role. Later I watch them film. I love watching my pops act. It's really good.

*ring ring* oh crap it's noon! *ring ring* "hello?"

"Hi Madison Reedus?"


"You got the role."

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