Part 21

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A few moments later we arrive.

"Food?" I suggest.

"Shopping?" Alli asks.

"Girls?" The guys say excitedly in sync. I shoot Chandler a look after he says that. Then Alli and Mingus look at eachother then quickly look away.

"Ugh. Come on!" I yank Chandler and Alli and Mingus into the entrance.

"Ok then how about food?" We march all the way to the food court. We all order from Subway and get our own sandwiches. As we pick a table I remember we forgot our drinks.

"Be right back guys. Come on Alli." I grab her arm and go to the stand. "Three medium cups please." I ask. They nod and tell me they'd be right back.

"Soooo..." Alli says awkwardly.

"Ok so what's going on with you?!" I blurt out.

"Uhm what do you mean?"

"I meeaaan with you and Mingus." I say.

"Um nothing." She quickly says. I look at her expression and draw a conclusion.

"Oh. My. God. Alli!" I squeal.

"What?" She giggles.

"You like Mingus! Augh I knew it!" I twirl around. She shushes me and laughs.

"Yea yea just a little crush ok? The whole world doesn't need to know!!"

"Sorry sorry." I bite my lip holding back a laugh and also a wave of disappointment. Even though I love Chandler with all my heart and he's my world and were going out... I kinda think Mingus is really cute. But I have Chandler and Alli has Mingus. Soon the worker gives us the cups and we fill them. We return back to the table. Chandler takes a sip of the soda then I do.

"Ugh I'm bored." I say.

"Yea." Alli says.

"Same." The guys say.

"Truth or dare? In the mall?!" I suggest. They laugh and nod.

"Alli, truth or dare?" Mingus starts.


"No no no. Don't be lame. You're choosing dare." I say.

"Ok dare it is. Ummmm. Uhhh. I dare you to go over to that group of teenagers and ask the hotter one out." Mingus raises his eyes. She hesitates then does the dare.

"He said yes!" She comes back laughing. "Then I walked away."

"Um Chandler truth or dare?" Alli asks.

"Dare." He smiles.

"I dare you to.. Make out with Maddi in the middle of the court and that just might make all the fan girls die... But go!" Alli has an evilish smirk on her face.

"Okey dokey." Chandler offers me a hand. I take it and he brings me to an empty table. As he sits down he pats his knee. I sit down and kiss him lightly. He soon presses his lips harder and we make out passionately. Awkward public scene. We hear a couple shrieks, gasps, laughs, and some 'way to go Chandler's.

"Done." We go to our original table.

"Mingus truth or dare." Chandler laughs.


"I." He laughs." Dare you to," he cracks up," to hahahaha kiss haha Maddi by the fountain ahahah." Chandler says. I guess he wanted that to be funny. Alli looks down and Mingus flinches.

"O-ok." Mingus says.

"Ahaha that's a funny one Chandler." I glance back and fourth. He's dead serious. Alli looks really uncomfortable.

"Do I have to?" I ask. I really want to but for the love of god I have a boyfriend.

"Yep." Chandler pops the p and laughs looking confusedly at Alli. Mingus looks at me with his eyes full of apology and excitement at the same time. I nervously look around. And give Alli and Chandler, both a sorry look as Mingus and I lean in.

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