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I woke up to the ringing sound of my alarm. Not wanting to get up I lied in bed for a few more minutes, the events of my first day yesterday kept replaying through my mind. Until finally deciding to get ready for school.
It was my second day at Forks High School so I felt a little more comfortable as I drove to school now that I knew I had friends awaiting me.
I pulled up into the car park and saw Bella leaning against her truck reading a book. Bella had only arrived a week before me so we got along well because she knew how I felt.

'Hey Bella.'. I called out to her as I began making my way over. 'Hey.'. She said happily and pulled her earphones out of her ears. We began talking about an English assignment until I saw Bella noticeably staring at something behind me, I spun around as my jet black hair swooped infront of my eyes and I saw a group of stylish people in expensive cars. 'Who are they.' I said breathlessly, admiring them all as they got out of there cars. 'The blonde girl is Rosalie and next to her is her partner Emmett, The one standing by himself is Edward.' Bella said sounding awestruck when Edward came out of her mouth. 'The short girl is Alice and the one next to her is Jasper.' Bella Finished and Jasper had caught my eye.
He had golden honey brown hair and like his siblings beautifully pale skin,he was still different from the others.

My first class for the day was English which I shared with Bella so we sat next to each other and talked about our previous homes. 'Arizona was warm I miss the heat.' Bella admitted and bit her lip, I assumed it was a habit considering she did it a lot. 'So where did you live again?' Bella asked as she flicked through the pages in her text book. 'California, I had lived there my whole life but mum wanted to move away from the reminder of dad I suppose.'. I croaked out, I hadn't talked about dad to anyone for a long time. 'Is California as glamorous as they make it out?' Bella asked trying to change the subject she must have noticed my expression change, I did admire her efforts. 'Well I lived in San Francisco and in the busy part of town although I wouldn't call it glamorous.'. I explained as I continuously clicked my pen. 'But when I was ten I visited Los Angeles for my birthday and that was quiet remarkable.' I added and Bella smiled at the word Los Angeles.

After class I had a meeting with the school captain as the vice principal said it was important I did. Using my pocket map of the school I tried working my way to the student council room and after my third try I finally found it. A boy with rather large glasses and red hair came out of the room. 'You must be Holly Jane Underwood?' The boy said and shook my hand. I was a little embarrassed he said my full name but I quickly recovered. 'I'm Marcus.' He said proudly and he lead me into a small room with lots of trophies crammed inside along with a couple of desks. 'I wanted you to fill out this survey for me.' He said seriously and handed a bunch of papers stapled together to me, trying to hide my disproval I gave a small smile and excepted the papers.

The survey took longer to complete than I had expected and by the time I had finished the bell rang. I walked into history class for the first time and took a seat at the back. An old teacher with yellow stained teeth and a coffee mug in his hand walked into the room, he began reading the text book chapter on civil war.
I closed my eyes and rested my head on the table with my arms folded. After about ten minutes I looked up and almost everyone in the room looked bored besides Jasper which intrigued me, he continually asked questions and put in his feedback on pretty much anything the teacher said. The whole lesson I didn't listen to a thing the teacher said but I listened to Jaspers comments, he knew so much about the war it was like he had been there himself.

The day flew by quickly and by the time I knew it I was back home. When I pulled into my gravel driveway I saw my mum cleaning up nuts that had fallen from the pine trees that surrounded our house. 'Hey mum.'. I said casually and walked over to her. 'Hi Honey.' She said breathlessly and kissed me on the cheek. I watched as she wiped the sweat off her face and removed her gardening gloves.
'How was school?' She asked and I hung my coat on the back of the front door. 'Decent.' I said shrugging. 'How come your home so early from work?'. I asked and sat on the kitchen counter as mum poured us both some orange juice. 'I have night shift instead with the new doctor tonight.' Mum said and began sculling the juice. 'Future boyfriend?' I teased and mum raised an eyebrow. 'He's sweet but not my type and besides he's a married man.' Mum explained. 'What's there name then?' I asked half paying attention as I finished the last of my juice. 'Carlisle Cullen.'. I almost spat out my juice. The rest of the night before mum went to work I kept asking her questions about her new coworker, Carlisle. She soon became suspicious so I had to eventually stop asking. Shortly after mum left I cleaned up the dishes, had a shower and did some maths revision.

After a while of staring at the ceiling and listening to music I realised that it was to early to have a crush at a new school or fascination for that matter and that I should just forget about Jasper. To start my plan I pulled out my rather worn out copy of To kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee and I opened it on the marked page. Three chapters later I became drowsy and fell asleep.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now