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I tried to wrap my head around everything. 'I know you won't hurt me.'. I squeaked. 'I wanted to the first day we met and it was extremely hard for me because I have the most trouble with thirst then the rest of my family.' He admitted and I walked closer to him showing I wasn't afraid. 'My family and I live off animal blood.' Jasper added and I put my finger on his mouth to stop him from talking.
'You don't have to explain yourself I trust you.'. I repeated and Jasper smiled at me brightly, his white teeth where glistening.
I was now so close to him that I rested my head of his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. 'I have been waiting a long time for you.'. Jasper said quietly and I felt his cold body hold me tighter.

We walked out side and laid down in the snow. Jasper told me that Alice had a vision about me and Bella and that we would be there soul mates.
'I was turned into a vampire when I was twenty but I have been like this for one hundred and forty two years.'. Jasper said and his southern accent made me feel like I was melting threw the snow.
'I'm guessing you where in the civil war?'. I asked and stared deeply into his golden eyes.
'I was the youngest major in the confederate army although I hadn't seen any real battle, my name was officer Whitlock.'. Jasper said smirking and I smiled at the thought of Jasper being a cowboy.
We stared into each other's eyes for a moment until Jasper ran his hands through my hair. 'I know Edward can read minds and Alice can see the future. Do you have any powers?' he drew his attention from my hair back to me. 'I have the ability to both feel and manipulate the emotions of those around me.'. He explained. 'That explains the relaxation I felt when sitting with the Cullen's at school' I thought and we both stood up off the ground and he drove me home.

In the car I asked him more questions about his previous family. 'I don't have as much self control as my adopted siblings.' Jasper cautioned. 'I know, but I don't think I will be able to stay away from you.'. I Confessed. Jasper looked over at me grinning and placed my hand in his. 'You don't have to.'. He said and we sadly arrived to my driveway I watched to see if he would do anything but we both just sat there. 'Tomorrow it's my turn to ask you questions.'. He said and I hesitated,what will he ask?

That night after mums famous spaghetti meatball dinner I had a quick shower to clear my thoughts. I walked into my room and pulled out my outfit for tomorrow from the cupboard, once I turned back around I almost screamed when I saw Jasper sitting there. He was sitting on my bed gracefully, looking at young photos of me. I sat beside him and patted my face dry with my towel. 'That's at the zoo with mum and dad, I was three.'. I said and put on my jumper for extra warmth. 'Edward told me your dad just picked up and left.'. He put the picture back on my bed side table. 'Mum has never forgive him for that.'. I mumbled and lied down on my bed, Jasper did the same and I snuggled up to him.
'Do you?' He finally asked. 'Of course.'. I said uncomfortably and I heard my mum knock on my door. I turned to face Jasper but he had already left. 'Come in.'. I called and she walked in my room with her work uniform on. 'How was your date with Jasper?' She asked and sat on the edge of my bed. 'Good.'. mum smiled at me leaning closer to kiss me on the forehead. 'Alright well I have a late shift tonight so you won't see me till after school.'. She said and was about to walk out the door when she stopped in her tracks. For a second I got scared about what was stopping her, had she seen Jasper?'Would you like to go see that new movie tomorrow after school.'. She suggested and I had a breath of relief. 'Yeah of course.'. I said trying to sound enthusiastic, she finally left the room and I sat up quickly. 'Jasper?' I called and he was now right next to me in bed.

That night we spoke about Vampires some more. He told me that to kill one you need to Break the pieces of the immortal creature and then burn them. Even after all the scary stories he told me I fell asleep.

It was like I had Birdseye vision over my life and I wasn't in my own body I looked down and saw Jasper was sucking my blood and after he had locked me in a coffin.

I woke up panting and Jasper rubbed my back looking worried. 'Bad dream?' He asked and I only nodded because I felt unspeakable. I didn't know why I was having this dream because I didn't fear Jasper at all. I lied closer to him and like a baby I tugged on his shirt for comfort, a few minutes later I feel asleep again.
My alarm went off loudly, like a fire alarm and I woke up rubbing my eyes sleepily. 'You look beautiful ma'am.'. Jasper stated and kissed me on the cheek.
'I'm gonna make you some breakfast while you get ready.'. He said and by the time I knew it he was out of sight.
I quickly put on my jeans and changed into a different top, but wore the same jumper from last night because it smelled like Jasper.
I brushed my teeth and tied my hair up into a messy ponytail, rushing downstairs to see Jasper I almost tripped over my own feet from excitement. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jasper making bacon and eggs. He quickly finished up and put them on a plate for me.
'I didn't know you could cook.'. I said cheerfully and began eating. 'Well what else is there to do when you can't sleep.'. Jasper said laughing and stared at me eating. I grew a little self conscious because someone beautiful like him was in my untidy home, watching me eat dinner.

Jasper left for school earlier because he needed a change of clothes so I decided to stop off at the bakery. I opened up there fridge where they had all there drinks and I grabbed an orange juice. 'Oh welcome welcome.'. The cashier sung, it was the same one who gave me a discount the other day.I payed for the orange juice. This happy person had no idea he was living amongst vampires , It was Cruel to trunk about. I continued my way to school when it suddenly hit me. I was in love with Jasper but Paul had imprinted on me and I didn't know what to do, I knew I had to eventually tell Paul about him but i didn't know when. I finally pulled up into the school car park I was greeted by Jasper who was smiling brightly. 'Long time no see.'. I teased and he chuckled to himself.

I was in love with Jasper and I couldn't deny it anymore. Ever since I first made contact with him I was devoted.

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