White Roses

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Heading downstairs, I glance at the great room, thinking of how only hours before I had rested my head on his shoulder as he played piano. I had my eyes opened and glimpsed the moment before.
I looked out the large windows at the Cullen's house to see they where back, finally.

'You look perky.'. Alice stated as she almost danced through the door. The rest of the Cullen's came inside, along with Bella.
'Edward and Bella have something special to tell us all.'. Esme said Cooley and everyone gathered around the two.
Bella looked so nervous that she was whiter than usual but Edward on the other hand looked rather pleased with himself.
'We have decided to get married.'. Edward announced and everyone cheered. I shut my eyes for a second and imagined of the day Jasper and I would get married.
'You okay?' Jasper asked me and I nodded slowly. 'Never been better.'. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.
I went up to Bella and gave her a tight hug. 'Congratulations!' I chirped and Bella's face brightened.
'Thanks.'. She said and I gave her one last hug. I turned around to see Emmett howling at Edward and Rosalie looking rather embarrassed.

Later that night I collapsed onto Jasper's bed. The sheets where made out of pure silk, I felt like I was sinking into a cloud.
But then the thought hit me. Was I really worthy for Jasper? Maybe he would do better with an immortal mate.
I turned to face the door and Jasper glided threw, his perfect face looked troubled. 'You are wrong.'. He said calmly. 'What?' I asked and a crooked smile creeped upon his face.
'I can feel what you're feeling, and you're worth it.'. He said, almost like he was begging for my belief.
'If you say so.'. I yawned and crawled under the covers. Jasper lied on the other side motionless.
'You will forever be mine.'. He whispered, his voice hummed in my ear like a bee and was sweet like honey.
I felt his cold hand caress my cheek and my face trembled at his touch.
'Can I ask you a question?' I breathed and Jasper's eyes softened. 'Anything.'. He said quietly and ran his hand from my cheek down to my chin.
'How did I fall in love with you so quickly?'. Jasper paused for a moment like he was thinking of what to say. 'Well your heart had found a place to live so you followed it.'. He explained and I took his hand off my chin and onto my waist.

'Why did you open up about being a vampire to me so quickly then?' I asked and he chucked to himself.
'Because I wasn't as strong as Edward to keep it from you.'. He laughed but it didn't reach his eyes.
I could see his golden eyes glowing in the dark and it gave me warmth all over my body, although I felt nervous at the same time. I felt the sort of nervous like butterflies where flying around in my stomach.
'Go to sleep, Holly.'. He teased and played with my hair, I felt almost numb at his touch.
'Okay.'. Was all I managed to get out.

I feed the baby in the high chair and poured a glass of milk for the other child. Jasper walked into the room and kissed me on the cheek, although his lips weren't cold and his skin wasn't white nor was his eyes golden.
He was human. 'Was this the future?' I thought but it couldn't be could it?
Jasper looked full of life and even had a few freckles on his face. The child who I had served a glass of milk called out 'Daddy' to Jasper and he flung himself onto his back.
I smiled at the two, Jasper would make a wonderful dad but he couldn't re produce so this was the only thing close enough to a family with him, this dream.
During the rest of the Dream we went out for ice cream with our family and took long walks in a park. At the last moments it was just Jasper and I looking out on a view of the city, San Francisco. We ate food together and drank rich red wine.

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