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'Bella's awake now I just saw them leave to go hunt.'. Alice said happily. I looked over at Jake holding Ness.
'Okay I want to hold her now.'. I said walking over to Jake. But he didn't let me hold her. Ness put her hand on Jakes cheek and he sighed deeply. 'She wants you and Jasper.'. I held Renesmee and brought her over to Jasper then shortly after Rose stole her again.

'So you're still not going to tell us?' Alice frowned. I'm assuming she had a vision of Jasper purposing.
'Jasper and I are engaged.'. I said and everyone in the room congratulated us.
Bella then walked in the room with Edward.
'You look amazing Bella.' Said Alice.
'Someone's been waiting to meet you.'. Carlisle added.
'Rose.' Edward said and she turned around holding Nesse. Bella stared down at her daughter for a moment before taking her in her arms.
Renesmee touched Bella's face and I grinned, burying my head in Jasper's shirt.
'She's gifted.'. I said and Bella turned and smiled at me, I guess I was going to be a constant memory that she wasn't human.
'I've only been out for two days.'. She said looking down at her daughter who had grown fast. 'Growth rate is impressive.'. Carlisle added.
'Okay that's enough experimenting for one day'. Said Jake trying to take Nesse out of Bella's arms.
'Jake she's doing great.'. I snapped and Jasper had to hold me back.
'Let's not push it.' He said turning from me back to Nesse.
'What's your problem?' She almost growled. I looked up at Jasper doing a 'oh no' face. 'Oh do tell her Jacob.'. Rosalie butted in with an evil smirk.
'This should be good.'. Emmett agreed and I shot him a glare.
I remembered when Paul imprinted on me and how hard it was for him, he couldn't control it.
'Hold on a second,Bella.'. Edward said and took Renesmee out of her arms.
'Look it's a wolf thing.' Jake reasoned and his voice cracked a little.
'What's a wolf thing?' She demanded. Jacob looked for my help but now that Bella was immortal I couldn't help.
'Um... you know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. Bella it's not what you think it means.' He said in a rush and Bella asked for Renesmee to be taken out of the room.
Edward put his shoulder on Bella but she shrugged it off. 'Edward I don't want to hurt you'. I saw Jacob make the 'uh oh' face and Bella dragged him outside.

Everyone rushed outside to see.
'You imprinted on my daughter?' She yelled.
'It wasn't my choice.' He said calmly.
'She's just a baby.' Bella screamed.
'It's not like that.' He said. 'Do you think Edward would let me live if it was?'. I looked over at Edward who was smiling. 'Still debating.' He said simply.
'I've held her once. One time Jacob and already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim on her.'. She demanded and Jake looked scared. 'She's mine!' Bella hit him in the shoulder and he fell on the ground but quickly got up. Edward began to laugh and I watched her miserably, this wasn't the Bella I knew.
Leah and Seth came running in there wolf forms.
'It's fine Leah.' Jake said and looked back at Bella.
'You're going to stay away from her.' She said sternly.
'You know I can't do that.'. Bella hit him in the chest and he went into some bushes.
'Paul did it with Holly.' She muttered and Jake redeemed himself.
'Stop her Edward.' Esme said but he didn't do anything.
'Do you remember how you wanted me around three days ago-' Jake begun. 'That's long gone.' Bella said hotly. 'That's because it was Nessie who wanted me there.' Said Jake, he was still trying to reason with her.
'Nessie?! You nicknamed my daughter after the lockness monster.' She was about to lunge but Seth jumped infront of her causing him to be flung into a tree. I ran out of Jaspers grip and to Bella. 'What is wrong with you?' I screamed and slapped her in the face. I went over to check if Seth was okay and began stroking him.
'Seth I'm sorry.' Bella said calming down, she looked pretty upset with herself.

After Bella's little performance earlier Jasper drove me home to inform mum about the engagement and how I was living at Jaspers now.
I waited in the car because I was to angry to talk, how could Bella do this?

'When are you going to change me?' I asked as he got into the car.
'Alice told me that once you become immortal Paul's imprint will wear off.' He said. I thought about it for a moment.

'I want it done after the wedding'

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now