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I woke that morning alone, I pulled the sheets off me and slipped out of Jasper's bed.
I tensed when two cold arms slithered around my waist from behind. 'If I was an enemy I would've gotten the jump on you.' A familiar voice whispered in my ear.
I relaxed in his hold and tilted my head back to look up at the beautiful angel himself. 'Well good thing you aren't an enemy.' I smiled and pecked his lips. 'What are you doing here anyway?' He was supposed to be hunting with Emmett for the weekend and it was only Saturday. I didn't expect to see him again until Sunday. It was safe to say I was very surprised.
Jasper rested his head on my shoulder, rubbing his thumbs along my sides. 'I missed you. Is that a crime?' He ran his nose over the column of my neck, causing a shiver to run through my body. 'Not at all, I just have to make breakfast for myself .'
When i moved for the door, I found myself held back by his arms. 'Jazz?' I looked at him in confusion, earning myself a grin from him. 'Problem?' He asked, drawing the question out teasingly.
'Yeah, why aren't you letting me go?' I patted his hands in emphasis. He brushed his lips over my cheek and shook his head. 'Holly, I'll never let you go.' The way he said it sounded so sweet and sincere, so different than how Jasper usually sounded.
'How about I take you out for breakfast instead?' He insisted, I bit my lip at the sound of his irresistible voice.

We pulled up at a breakfast buffet and Jasper held the door open for me as we walked inside.
'Table for two?' The waiter asked and twirled her hair around her finger, batting her eyes at Jasper. 'Follow me.'. She added seductively and I rolled my eyes.
'You're jealous aren't you?' Jasper whispered.
'No!' I almost shouted. Jasper raised his eyebrow, I knew he could tell I was lying. 'It's bad enough that you lie about it to other people, but to me? Come on, I already knew the answer before you walked over here.'
'Jazz.'. I complained and rolled my eyes
Jaspers arm wrapped around my waist and I stuck closely to him.
'I love you so much.' he whispered in my ear, his accent was as thick as ever 'I love you too.' I smiled back. The waiter finally showed us two our table which was decorated in a eighties retro theme, there was even a duke box in the corner.
After eating some delicious pancakes at the diner, Jasper finally decided to let me come to a family baseball game.

The thunder crackled fiercely within the sky as Jasper swivelled the bat in his hand, an expression of concentration upon his face as he paid attention to my feelings, I could now tell when he did so.
I were awfully amazed at what he was doing, but I really thought that he should be playing the game. "What is he doing?" I whispered to Esme.
"He's being a bit of a show off." Esme smiles lightly, giving a small laugh. I laughed with her and she put her arm around my shoulder. 'Call them as you see them. You too Bella.'. She said to us both and we both stared at each other smiling.
'It's time.'. Alice announced and excitement flooded threw me. Alice threw the ball and Jasper hit it back hard with the bat. I watched as Edward raced for the ball and Jasper tried making a home run.
Jasper just made it in time before the ball arrived. 'Good job, babe.'. I said, high fiving him hard. He winked at me and up next to bat was Rosalie.

'So Esme do you think of them all as your children.'. I asked her. 'Of course and you and Bella are included.'. She said and I could see the passion flooding her eyes. 'Ever since I lost my baby I have had the mothers instinct.'. She added. I never knew Esme lost her child and I felt terrible bringing it up. 'I'm so sorry.'. I apologised and she smiled at me. 'Yes it is rather tragic that the poor thing died from a disease but things got better once I met Carlisle.'. She explained and Bella in the background called 'your out'.
'So how did he find you?' I asked, hoping I want pushing it but Esme continued to smile at me.
'I jumped off a cliff and he saved me.'. I smiled weakly at her and we went back to join the game.
The teams where divided between Alice,Emmett,Carlisle and Jasper,Rosalie,Edward. Jaspers team was winning and I guess they had a fielding advantage because Edward was faster than them all.
But the other team had a batting advantage because of Emmett being super strong.

Once the Thunder began to die down we all went back to the Cullen's house. I had been spending a lot of time there recently because my mums never home, so I get lonely.
And although Paul and I made up I still haven't heard from him since the battle.
'He will come around.'. Edward said smiling, i hated the fact he could read my mined.
As soon as we got inside Rosalie pulled me aside.
'I want to show you something.'. She whispered and lead me up to her and Emmetts room.
'It's so pretty up here.'. Rose then delicately opened up a cupboard that was filled of olden days clothing.
'Where these yours?' I asked and she chuckled to herself nodding.
'I was wondering if you wanted to try some on with me.'. I couldn't resist the look of excitement on her face. 'Of course my lady.'. I joked and she pulled out a old school white lacy dress and gloves.
She shoved them in my grip and I got changed into them. This reminded me of when I use to play dress ups as a kid with mum, when my time as a human expires I will miss her.

'There's someone at the door for you Holly.'. Alice called and straight after the door bell rang.
I didn't have enough time to change out of Rosalie's clothes so I went to the door without changing.
Jasper jumped to my side and protectively stood behind me, I opened the door and there was Paul. He was holding a box of chocolates.
'Hi-' he began but I cut him off. 'Why haven't you called me or made an effort to see me?.'. He took a loose strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear.
'I didn't think you wanted that. I want what's best for you.'. He said softly, but I still wasn't done with being mad at him. But then a wave of calmness flooded over my body. 'Jasper.'. I grunted calmly.

I could see Paul's eyes light up with anger as he looked at Jasper. 'Paul don't.'. I breathed but I was to late and he had transformed into a wolf.
Jasper flung Paul backwards and he hit a tree hard. Paul charged back and with his teeth he chucked Jasper away from my side and onto the ground.
The Cullen's rushed out and stared in shock at the two.
'Someone stop them.'. I begged, Edward held back Jasper and Emmett held back Paul.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now