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We arrived at the venue and I saw everyone chatting until the priest called for silence and I was scared for dead like when everyone started looking at me.
Carlisle walked over to me smiling. 'You're walking me down the aisle?' I asked shocked and he chuckled to himself.
'You're family now.' He whispered and I took his arm.

I looked up at the alter and saw my mum and Rosalie standing there with royal blue bridesmaid dresses and on the other end was Paul.
I smiled weakly at the sight of him but my smile grew larger as I saw Jasper standing there.
I couldn't wipe the smile away, I must of looked so silly.
I finally reached the alter and Carlisle handed me to Jasper.
'I Jasper Hale take you Holly Jane Underwood, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward;for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.' Jasper smiled on the last sentence as we would be spending forever together, I felt like I couldn't breathe as he spoke he literally took my breath away.
'I Holly Jane Underwood, take you, Jasper Hale to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you,in good times and in bad,in sickness and in health,to love and to honour you all the days of my life.' I said and Jasper smiled down at me.
'You may kiss the bride.' The priest announced and Jasper stroked my cheek before pulling my in for a kiss. I trembled a few times and we broke apart as everyone started clapping.

We headed to the after party where Jasper and I had our first dance. Everyone watched us as we danced to Haley Reinharts cover of Can't help falling in love with you.
I danced with Carlisle and thanked him for walking me down the aisle before I spotted Bella and my mum speaking, Renesmee was in mums arms. I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.
'Guess who'. The familiar voice said and I turned around seeing Ruby,Peter and Isla infornt of me. I hugged them all tightly. 'You came.' I screamed out of joy. 'Of course.' Ruby said and Isla nodded. 'So is the groom as attractive up close?' Paul teased and Isla nudged his shoulder. Sure enough Jasper made his way over to us.
'Jazz these are my friends Peter,Isla and Ruby.' I said and he shook each of there hands.
'Hey can you take Isla for a spin?' I whispered in his ear, no one ever asked Isla to dance at school. 'Isla care for a dance?' He asked her and she immediately took his arm, I watched as they headed to the dance floor. I loved him. 'So where's my dance?' Peter taunted and I had a three way dance with Ruby and Peter before I heard someone clinking a glass. My mum was at the microphone and everyone made there way to sit down.

'It is with incredible love,joy and pride that here today to wish my beautiful daughter a blessed life.' She began to cry silently but wiped her eyes and continued. 'I wish it to be full of happiness,joy and much laughter. And if there is anything such as angels, Holly is the one and I know Jasper will treat her like one too.' Mum walked off stage crying, I had to fight the urge not to go over and hug her.
Isla got up on stage and warmth filled my heart, my best friend looked extremely nervous but I was happy to see her up there.
'As a little girl Holly was always happy, always finding good in people. Her aura of gentleness was like honey to the bees, attracting everyone to her. I know you longed for a partner that could be your rock and I can see you've found them. Thankyou Jasper for taking care of my best friend who's like a sister.' She raised her glass and I clinked my glass to Jasper and took a sip.
'Holly you have a beautiful partner, Jasper, and I am proud of you both. Jasper I value the the love,laughter and security you bring to not only Holly but to all of us.
Together you create a wonderful family. Holly, I know Jasper loves you with all his heart and that you are her true friend and true love.' Rosalie said into the microphone.
Esme and Carlisle both made a speech along with a combined one from Ruby and Peter.
Next up was Paul and my heart started beating faster than ever. 'I um didn't come prepared so excuse me.' He said and cleared his throat, Paul looked so uncomfortable until he met my eyes and it was like a sudden reliever.
'I do have to say though Jasper, just how lucky you are. You will leave here today with the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. A wife who is warm,loving and caring. And Holly how lucky you are as well. you leave here today, having gained a lovely dress and wonderful bouquet of flowers.' Everyone laughed and raised there drinks. I caught Paul winking at me and I was glad he made the speech. Next up was Jasper and he looked directly at me, I blushed a shade of pink.
'I use to say my whole life as though I had already lived it.Then I met Holly who was as unpredictable as ever, she didn't make any sense and that's why I trusted her.
You make my reality better than my dreams, and I have waited a long time to get to that point. I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have and always will.' Jasper finished and everyone gave him a round of applause.

An hour later Jasper had arranged a limo to take us back to the Cullen's house. Everyone else besides the Cullen's thought he was taking me on a honeymoon so no one would come and check on me.
Jasper carried me into the house bridal style and laid me on the bed.
The rest of the family soon came into the room. Jasper pulled out a needle of his venom, I held Rosalie's hand as she sat on the bed next to me.
'D-Don't leave me.' I stuttered out, looking up at all of them. 'Never.' Emmett said.
I looked up to Jasper and nodded slightly. It was time.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now