Fire & Ice

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After sitting through a long European art house film called Hours of Tears I was excited to go home and I could even tell mum was too.
After dinner I walked outside to get some space. The trees where swaying above me gently in the wind, I stand alone outside staring up at the sky which is grey like most of my surroundings. It seems that even during the latest hours of the evening, forks is still the coldest,rainiest place.

It was certain that the unknown was something I feared but what I now feared most was the known, and I couldn't work my head around it.
Jasper was a vampire and it didn't scare me away what scared me most was the fact I was unconditionally in love with him, Jasper Hale.

The next day I went for a walk in the woods with Jasper, we eventually reached a meadow and as soon as we walked into the sunshine his skin started to sparkle. We continued walking until Jasper stopped dead in his tracks and pulled me behind him. 'I smell WereWolf.'. He whispered and sure enough on the other side of the meadow Paul was walking over to us.

'Get away from her.'. Paul growled and Jasper pushed me aside. Paul transformed into his large,silver werewolf form and Jasper knocked him across the other side of the field.
Paul came charging back and before either of them could attack I stood in the middle. 'Stop!' I shouted and sure enough they both did.
I looked into Paul's dark brown eyes and he ran away sulking, without Jasper even telling me what Paul was feeling I could feel it and it was killing me that I was hurting him. 'I know.'. I said quietly without looking up at Jasper.
We continued our walk and we eventually made it way up into the mountains ranges.

Jasper told me that Paul is in deep emotional pain without me around him let alone him not being chosen, but after a few weeks went by Paul eventually tried to respect my choice although he still hoped I would return to him.

I was having dinner with mum when I heard my mobile buzzing. 'It's Jasper.'. I told mum and she let me answer it. 'Alice and I have to take Bella to Arizona, in the meantime I want you to stay with Paul.'. Jasper ordered and sounded a little worried. 'What's going on?' I demanded angrily and went up stairs to pack a bag. 'I will explain later.'. He said quickly and hung up the phone. I chucked some clothes into a red backpack and told mum Paul was sad and he needed some company.
I pulled up at Paul's house and he rushed out hugging me tightly. 'What are you doing here?' He asked and I sighed deeply. 'I don't know Jasper asked me to come.'.Paul squeezed my hand and lead me inside. 'This is Emily and Jacob Black.'. Paul said and I shook both of there hands. 'Over there's Billy Black and Sam who you have already met.'. I smiled politely and Paul showed me to his room. 'There's only one bed I hope you don't mind.'. He pointed out and I put my bag in the corner of the room. 'It's fine.'. I insisted and that night I stayed up late listening to old stories about Quileute tribal legends. I eventually fell asleep and Paul carried me to bed bridal style.

I woke up with Paul's arm wrapped around me, he looked so peaceful and happy in his sleep. I noticed his eyes flutter open and he smiled up at me. 'Goodmorning.'. He grumbled in a sleepy voice. He stroked my cheek with his thumb and the warmth made me feel safe, that's when my phone started ringing. 'Hello?'. 'Holly it's Emmett, Jasper wanted me to ask you to come down to the hospital.'. He said and I agreed.

Paul didn't want me to leave and got so mad he even said 'How can you be in love with someone you just met? He's not even alive!' but I was needed by Jasper, I had to go. I ran into the hospital and saw Bella lying in a hospital bed talking to Edward. 'Bella are you okay?' I asked and went over giving her a hug. 'I think so.'. She said softly and Jasper came to my side wrapping his arm around my waist. 'Holly you have done well usually Jasper can't step foot into a hospital without losing control.'. Edward praised and I kissed Jasper on the cheek.
After visiting Bella in the hospital Jasper took me out to a fancy restaurant in Port Angeles for dinner. 'If I had of known you planned this I would've dressed better.'. I muttered and took his arm as we walked into the restaurant. 'You look beautiful like always.'. Jasper whispered in my ear and the waiter showed us to our table.

'So tell me what where your friends like in San Francisco.'. Jasper asked me as I looked threw the menu.
'I had three best friends Peter,Ruby and Isla but I only stay in contact with them using emails.'.
The waiter finally came along and she was very pretty, she pulled a note book out of her back pocket and clicked her pen. The lady turned to Jasper and whipped her blonde hair out of her eyes, she stared down at him like a five year old would stare at there crush. 'Holly what do you want?' He asked me and the waiter turned unwillingly, slowly to me.
'Greek salad, please.'. I said and the waiter turned back to Jasper. 'Nothing for me thanks.'. He then began pouring me a glass of water.
Jasper handed me the glass and his cold hand touched mine sending shivers down my spine 'Thanks.'. Was all I could manage to say. The waiter came over with my salad, that was unusually quick.
'What about your extended family?' Jasper continued from our conversation before and I took my first bite of the Greek salad.
I swallowed my food quickly and took a sip of water. 'Well I don't know any of my dads side but my mum has a brother named John and he has three kids with his wife, they live in Los Angeles. My grandpa died before I was born but my grandmas name is Rose and she's still in San Francisco.'. Jasper studied my face carefully each time I talked, at first it bothered me but by now I had gotten use to his golden eyes staring at me.

The night soon ended and we pulled up to my driveway. 'Your not gonna leave are you?' I asked sadly,he chuckled to himself. 'I will be waiting in your room.'. He mused and I got out of the car, walking up to my front door I tried to run through different scenarios in my head about what I should say to mum. 'Hey Hols.'. She called out from the lounge room and I walked in the room to greet her.
'Hey mum you don't mind if I turn in early?' I asked, as I gave her a big hug she put her cup of coffee on the side table. 'Yeah that's fine I'm just watching TV.'. I nodded my head and took a sip out of mums coffee before racing upstairs.
quickly I got ready for bed and when walking into my room I saw Jasper lying in my bed reading my book (How to kill a mockingbird). 'You will break that.'. I said laughing and took it out of his hands carefully, placing it on my bedside table.
'My apologies ma'am.'. He teased and I lied in bed next to him. 'What do you like about me, Jasper?' I asked him nervously, someone as beautiful as him could get anyone. Like that waiter at the restaurant. 'I have seen all of the same sort of people but when you stumbled along in your faded jeans and black parka it was almost refreshing.'. I closed my eyes picturing the first time I saw Jasper which was when I was with Bella in the car park. 'How am I different?'. Jasper smiled crookedly. 'Everything about me that invites humans in is my voice,scent and even my voice and this time around that was what invited me in.'. He whispered gently and began playing with my hair.
'Prom is next week.'. I blurted out and waited for a reaction but Jaspers expression didn't change. 'Would you like to attend?' Jasper questioned me still playing with my hair.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now