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I climbed the old oak tree out the front of my old house. 'Look how high I am daddy.'. I shouted and he gave me a round of applause. I jumped down from the tree into his arms and he hugged me tightly. 'Dinner.'. Mum called out and I ran inside, still holding dads hand.

I woke up from the dream crying. 'What is it?' Jasper asked and I grabbed a tissue from my bed side table.
'I had a dream about when I was younger, dad was in it.'. I explained and wiped my eyes with the tissues. 'I was about five years old.'. I added and Jasper smiled crookedly, I'm assuming he was imagining me as a child.

The next day we began the first day of preparing for the battle.
Because Jasper had experience with the newborns he taught everyone how to defeat them, I had some reassurance when Esme told me Jasper was the best fighter.
The werewolves simply observed the Cullen's as they trained, I was proud that Jasper finally put what happened with Bella behind him and took the leadership role.
After they decided that was enough training for the day I drove off with Rosalie in her cherry red Mercedes CLK350. We finally got to port Angeles and strolled down a street full of designer shops. Rosalie non stopped talked about her human life and as soon as we entered a store we came out with twice as many bags. She even insisted on buying me some tops,shoes,pants and accessories. I think Rosalie enjoyed my company because I mad her feel human again and unlike Bella I didn't talk about becoming a newborn, I had higher patients.

'Thanks for coming along we should do this another time.'. Rosalie said happily and got into the car, she was so stylish even when she did basic stuff she made it look one hundred times cooler.
'I'm always down.'. I agreed and we sped off back to forks.
When we pulled up to my driveway I noticed mum putting the washing on the clothes line, I was a little embarrassed that Rosalie could see all my bland clothing. Mum walked over to the car and gave Rosalie a hug, I'm glad mum was oblivious to her coldness. 'Looks like you too had fun.'. Mum teased as she looked at all of the shopping bags in the back seat of her car. 'How have you been Rose?' Mum asked and I got my shopping bags out of the back.
'Fine thankyou, you?'. I waved goodbye to Rosalie and headed inside leaving them to talk.
Once I got up to my bedroom I hung up my new clothes in my wardrobe as they where to pretty to stuff in my draws.
I then noticed my un finished painting sitting in the corner of my room, it was of the San Fransisco bridge at nighttime with the city lights surrounding it.
Mum came up into my room and handed me a pastie. 'I like her.'. She said and handed me a napkin from her back pocket. 'She reminds me of myself when I was younger.'. I almost laughed at the thought of mum being my age, I often forgot mum was my age once.
'I like her too she means well.'. Mum pulled my hair behind my ears and admired me, hanging around mum reminded me of my age and youth. My over grown bangs flopped back from behind my ears making mum laugh. 'I remember when you where younger and when we would go shopping you always wanted things like ribbons and laces on your clothes. It reminds me of how grown up you are when I look back at things like that.'. Mum reminisced and I couldn't imagine my life without her but in a few years I knew that would be the case. 'So have you found any nice guys?' I asked and took a bite of my pastie. 'Well there's this one guy named Patrick who's a dentist and lives in Seattle.'. I was glad that mum was starting the dating business because when I'm not around she will need someone to keep her company.
'Well I have to get ready for work so I will catch up on the gossip tomorrow.'. She said Cooley and pulled out her badge that said "Dr Lily Underwood"

I pulled out my cellphone and decided to call Grandma to see how she was. 'Hey Mama Rose it's me Holly.'. I announced. 'Oh don't take me as a fool I can read you know.'. Grandma said and I heard her take a puff of her cigarette. Mum told me that Mama Rose hadn't changed much since she was younger, she still wears overly strong perfumes that are almost sickening,she also still over draws her lips with bright pink lipstick and smokes a packet a day of cigarettes. 'So how's life been treating you?' I asked and she chuckled to herself.
'Same old same old, not much happens when you hit seventy nine'
'Are you still ballroom dancing?'
'Yes of course.'.
I could briefly hear her cats in the background meowing. 'Okay well I have to go feed that monsters, goodbye Hols.'. She said and before I could say goodbye she hung up. I remember when I was younger Mama Roses unique personality use to bother me but now it makes me laugh.

That week I began putting together my paperwork so I could get into a university, although I didn't want to attend one right now I still wanted to be prepared for when the time is right.
Bella told me that Edward reckons they would be moving to Alaska soon, this time I'm going.

I also finished off my painting and hung it up above the chestnut dining table for colour.
Every time mum looked at it, it would remind me of how much she misses the place.
But then again it was her choice to move and when I've asked her about her decisions of moving she tells me 'I don't regret it one bit'. But I can tell she does.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now