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I sat on the couch in between Emmett and Jasper.
Rosalie came in the door with Renesmee in her arms. 'My turn.'. I said and Rosalie passed her to me with a smile. Ness soon fell asleep in my arms and I rocked my arms gently.
I heard yelling from outside and Bella,Edward and Jacob came inside and they looked angry.
'Charlie is going to be here in ten.'. Edward announced and I looked at Jasper worried.

Alice rushed upstairs to grab brown contacts for Bella.
'These will irritate your eyes at first.'. Warned Alice as she put them in Bella's eyes.
'The main thing is to not move to fast.' Carlisle said. 'Try taking a seat and crossing your legs.' Esme suggested and with Renesmee in my arms asleep I watched Bella carefully.
Bella stood up slowly and went to the chair way to fast, forcing it to slam into the wall.
'Maybe a tad slower.' I said, I think Bella forgot I was there and looked up at me.
'And blink atleast three times a minute.' Alice added. Bella blinked at least three times in a row making me giggle.
'For a cartoon character.' Piped up Jake and I shot him a glare.
'Hold your breath it will help with the thirst.' Carlisle said seriously.
'Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looked like you're breathing.' Said Edward.
'And don't sit so straight.' Rosalie said. 'Humans don't do that.' Everyone looked over at me and I shifted uncomfortably.
'Okay I got it. Move around,blink and slouch.' Bella said sounding annoyed and I heard Charlie's car pull up.
Everyone besides Edward left the room and I followed them, my gaze was on Renesmee who was fast asleep.

I continued watching football with Emmett on the couch and Edward Cam into the room.
'Could I borrow Renesmee.' He asked me and I carefully gave her back to Edward, trying not to wake her up.
Although I'm guessing from the major body temperature change that's what woke her up.
Edward walked back into the room that Bella and Charlie were in with Bella.
Rosalie sat down next to me with a huge scrapbook and I raised my eyebrow. 'Alice got to plan your wedding so I wanted to plan yours.' She said happily. 'Help.' I corrected her and she nodded slowly.

She continued on ignoring my comment. 'So most importantly I have gathered some different dress designs and I want you to pick out which one you like best.'. Rosalie opened up her scrapbook and i peered down at all the designs.
'I like that one.' I said pointing to the middle picture and she smiled down at it. 'That's a ball gown wedding dress.'.
Edward and Bella walked back into the room and I heard Charlie's car drive off.
'I'm going to mums house guys.' I said and waved goodbye to everyone. As I got into my car I heard Emmett antagonising Bella.

'Hi mum.' I said and ran into her arms. I wouldn't be able to hug mum like this after I was changed so I made the most of it.
'Hi Honey! What a nice surprise.' Mum cheered and lead me inside.
'Hey mum at my wedding I was wondering if you would like to be my maid of honour?' I asked and her eyes lit up of happiness.
'Oh you don't want an old thing like me at the wedding.' Mum joked and I gave her another hug. 'Of course I do.'
We discussed more wedding plans like how I wanted Rosalie to be me other bridesmaid and that I wanted to get married in a exotic garden. Also a exotic garden wouldn't have much sunlight so that definitely matched the occasion perfectly.

I drove back home, to the Cullen's. I hated saying goodbye to mum.
I pulled into the driveway and Jasper rushed outside to open the door for me. 'Such a gentleman.' I laughed and he kissed me slowly. 'What was that for?' I teased and he shrugged. 'I guess I just love you.' He said in a thick accent. 'Same.'
We walked inside holding hands and everyone was doing there own things as Jake was asleep on the couch.
'I think I'm gonna go to bed too' I yawned looking down at Jacob and went up to Jasper and i's room.

A few days had past and Renesmee had grown rapidly fast.
After a long sleep I woke up to Edward teaching Renesmee how to play the piano and Alice walked in with a new base of flowers.
Alice suddenly gasped, she dropped the vase and Jasper rushed over to her.
'What is it?' He asked eagerly.
'The Volturi... they're coming for us' she panicked. Jasper then rushed to my side and held me tightly.
Later that night I approached Jasper when he was alone, when no one could hear.
'Jasper I want you to change me before the volturi come.' I said and he looked up at me, looking almost frightened.
'No.' he said bluntly, shaking his head. I sighed deeply and sat down next to him. 'Jazz it's the only way I will be able to protect you.' I insisted and he paused.
'Are you sure?' He asked and I grabbed his hand squeezing it. 'Yes.'.

I had my final sleep that night. It was peaceful, I would miss sleeping but there was nothing I wanted more then to protect my family.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw my mum and Rosalie in my room.
'What's going on?' I asked nervously, jumping out of bed.
'We decided to throw you a surprise wedding. All of your friends from la push came and even your old ones from San Francisco.' Mum explained and I grinded my teeth from fear.
Mum strolled out of the room and I looked up at Rosalie.
'We arranged it last night.' She explained and began doing my makeup, just like prom. 'I bags doing her hair!' I heard Alice yell and rush into my room.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now