He Left Again

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'I have to do something with Alice.' Jasper said and I scowled at him. 'SO YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LEAVE ME?' I yelled and pushed him through the window. The glass smashed and he landed luckily on his feet.
I jumped threw the smashed window over to Jasper. 'I'm sorry.' I said trying to calm down, ever since I became a vampire I was prone to sudden outbursts.
'I don't understand.' I said breaking down onto the ground. 'I have to leave. I love you.' He added and kissed me on the forehead.
When I opened my eyes he was gone. I jumped back into mine and Jaspers room where everyone was standing.
'Looks like we need to replace that.' Emmett laughed and I slapped him in the face hard.

Edward had convinced everyone to invite other vampires to stand with us against the Volturi.
The first coven to arrive was the Denali's. I walked outside and saw a vampire swirling dirt in Nessies hand. I created wind from my own hands and blew the dirt he was playing with up in the air. 'You too?' He asked confused and I nodded. 'I'm Benjamin.' I smiled at him brightly. 'Holly Hale.'.

More and more covens joined our side. I was glad that there were heaps of people around to take my mind off things. Especially Benjamin who I got along with quiet well.
'Mrs Hale.' Emmett called out to me in a fake high pitched voice.
'Yes?' I turned around to face him smirking.
'Care to go hunting?' He asked playfully. I didn't even have to think. 'I thought you would never ask.'
Emmett and I raced out of the house and into the forest, we both got a mountain lion each.

Out of all the vampires that joined our coven I got along with Kate,Benjamin and of course Peter the most.
In my spare time I had no interest for painting anymore, I would stare at myself in the mirror looking at my red eyes,stone body and intimidating expression.
'We need to go.' Edward said suddenly and almost everyone rushed out the door. 'Holly I read your mind and you're now the best fighter in the house. We need you.'
I followed them into the forest.
'Vladimir,Stephan. You're a long way from home.' Carlisle said unamused. 'We heard you're moving against the Volturi and that you wouldn't stand alone.' Vladimir said and I watched his every move carefully.
'We didn't do what we where accused of.' I piped up.
'We do not care what you did,Carlisle.... and friend.'
The conversation was boring and I faked yawned before walking away.

That night Elizar and Carlisle began talking about what happens when Aro wants someone from a coven.
'This is all about Alice, he has no one like her.' Said Edward.
'Most likely why she left and Jasper.' I said and Benjamin put his hand on my shoulder, I smiled weakly up at him.
'Benjamin Tia, were leaving.' Amun said frantically. 'And where will you go?' Asked Edward a little offended. 'What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice. What's to stop them from going after Holly or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift.'
'There goal isn't punishment it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle may not ask you to fight but I will for the sake of my family but also yours. And the way you want to live.' Edward finished and I looked around the room carefully.

Jake suddenly stood up. 'The packs will fight, we've never been afraid of vampires.'
The Denali's all stood.
'We will fight'. Garrett then stood up also, following Kate's lead. 'This won't be the first time I've fought a kings rule.' I smiled a bit.
Benjamin and Tia stood up, removing his hand from my shoulder. 'Well join' He announced. 'No' Amun said looking very angry. 'I will do the right thing Amun. You may do as you please'.
'We will stand with you.' Said the amazons.
'So will we' Everyone was now standing up and I heard Vladimir make a snide remark.

We all headed up to the mountains. Ben looked down at the empty firepit, he smiled at me. We both made fire in our palms and created a bonfire.
'Now that's what I'm talking about.' Jake said and I laughed. 'A little pre battle bonfire.' I pretended to warm my hands from the fire but it had no effect on me, I guess it was just a habit.
'Telling war stories... or standing there like fricken statues.' Jake said and I laughed loudly.
Garrett suddenly showed up. 'Name any American Battle I was there'. 'Little Bighorn.' Said Jake and I smiled. 'I came this close to biting Cluster but the Indians got him first.' He said almost shameful.
Kate came over and sat on Garretts lap. 'Try Olegs on Constantinople.' She grabbed a little. 'He didn't win on his own.' The Irish coven had now arrived and I looked up at them. 'If you're talking about battles,you're talking eleven years war. No one does rebellion like the Irish.' Siobhan said.
'You lost the eleven year war.' Garrett pointed out playfully.
'Aye but it was still a hell of a rebellion.' Liam said laughing and I stood up to go talk to Rosalie and Emmett.
'Hey lovebirds.' I said and made my way over to them.
They both rolled there eyes at me and I smiled brightly .
It was now time to fight. I put on jeans and one of Jaspers Parkas, I put on some leather boots so my pants wouldn't get wet. We had now arrived at the battle.
I stood next to Benjamin as we agreed to work together during the battle.

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