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The next day before school I made a stop at the gas station. I quickly opened the hatch and put the nozzle in, as I was in a rush. The numbers on the gage slowly went up until finally it was done and I rushed inside and scanned my mums credit card, I was just about to walk out when I heard 'declined' come out of the machine I had just scanned the card on. 'Sorry miss.'. The cashier said. 'Looks like you're going to have to pay in cash.'. I let out a deep sigh a rummaged threw my bag to find enough money to pay for my gas.
Eventually I did and what annoyed me even more was how slow he was counting the cents, if I wasn't in a rush then maybe I wouldn't of folded my arms and tapped my foot impatiently but my misery was finally over and I sped off to school.

First up I had maths. I rushed into my classroom already ten minutes late and as I walked through the door I saw everyone was silently working. 'Here's your test and please find a seat.'. The teacher said and in my mind I was screaming. I knew hardly anything about this maths topic and I also knew I was going to fail another math test. 'Great.'. I thought out loud and took my seat.
When recess came along I couldn't even enjoy my strawberry milk or juicy red apple properly because I had to work on an art project that was overdue. I guess you could say it's my own fault for not doing it at home but it still set my teeth on edge.
Next session I concentrated really hard on the notes and I also got a lecture from my art teacher about how important handing work on time is.
When last session finally came around I was so exhausted that I almost fell asleep a several times.

I got home from school to an empty house due to mum being at work. I made myself a steaming hot tea and ate a handful of almonds before I passed out until mum got home.
I slowly walked down stairs and into the kitchen where I saw mum buttering some toast. 'Want some?' She asked and I nodded. 'How was your day?'. Mum asked and handed me a piece of buttered toast, I took one bite before passing it back to her, I was even to tired to eat. 'Busy-.'. I said shortly and got cut off with a huge yawn. 'You better get some more rest then.'. Mum suggested as she wiped my bangs out of my eyes and I headed back upstairs. Trying to fall asleep all I could think about was how proud I was that I didn't think about the golden boy Jasper all day. Maybe I could forget him after all?

At school the next day I was sitting at my usual table at lunch time and I kept glancing over to the Cullen's table. Everyone was there besides Edward which was a little strange but I wasn't entirely bothered by it.
Next class was History and the last spot left was next to Jasper. I took a deep breath and made my way over, as soon as I sat down Jasper became very still and covered his mouth.
I glanced over to him every now and then and he was frozen in the same position each time, looking like he was to scared to move.
As soon as the bell rang Jasper rushed out of class and I immediately felt like this was my fault, usually Jasper was the type to hang around a little after class.

The whole day consisted of me trying to come up with a reasonable answer why Jasper didn't even want to acknowledge my existence. Maybe I smell? Maybe I make him nervous? Maybe I'm just over reacting? Maybe he felt tense? Maybe he didn't want to sit next to me? But none of these conclusions sounded right, not even close.

The familiar person lead me into a tent that had a strong aroma of incense. I sat across from a crystal ball. 'Your future awaits.' The familiar voice said and I peered into the glass and there was me and a hooded stranger who had stuck his hand right through my body and pulled out my heart. The hooded stranger pulled his hood back and revealed himself, Jasper.

I jolted awake and saw I was surrounded by a pool of my sweat. 'That was my first nightmare in years.'. I thought to myself and in the darkness I headed down stairs to get a drink of water to cool myself down.

The week was finally over and I went with mum to do some Friday night shopping we went inside the fresh fruit store and mum picked out red delicious apples,blood oranges,grapefruits and bananas. Then I decided to wait by the car while mum quickly went into the vegetable shop.
I had my head phones in and was leaning against the car, staring at the ground absently I kicked around the multiple stones infront of me. I then had the whelming feeling of someone watching me, after a minute I turned the direction I felt being watched from and no one was there.
I soon grew frustrated at my paranoia and kicked a stone really hard into a nearby dumpster. This weekend I thought it would be a good idea to visit my friend Paul up in la push,So on Saturday afternoon that's what I did.
As soon as I pulled up and got out of my car Paul rushed over and picked me up pulling me into a big hug. 'Hi.' I said laughing and he put me down. 'How have you been?' He asked and held my hand leading me inside. 'Good although I haven't heard from you.'. I admitted and Paul looked extremely upset. 'Only for your protection, there's something I need to tell you.'. Paul said seriously and he looked over at Sam like he was wanting permission. I followed Paul back outside and we where finally in the woods. 'I'm not who I use to be.'. Paul blurted out and my heart began to sink, what did he mean?. Paul began taking off his clothes till he was only in his jocks. 'What are you doing?' I asked awkwardly and before he could answer he transformed into a gigantic silver wolf. I still wasn't scared of him and I walked over and gave him a pat.

Paul after awhile turned back into his original form and I asked him heaps of questions about it. 'Do you have any special powers?' I asked and nudged his shoulder playfully. 'We can hear each others thoughts and imprint.'. Paul said and put his arm around my shoulder.
'What's imprinting?'
'It's a sign of great love you would be anything or do anything for that person.'. Paul said softly and we continued walking around the forest. 'Have you imprinted?' I questioned and I almost felt like I was interrogating him.
'Yes. That's why I haven't been in contact with you since the first day we met because I had to figure things out.' Paul admitted and I bit my lip.
I wanted to ask who he had imprinted on but I knew he would tell me in his own time. Paul walked me back to my car and kissed me on the cheek goodbye.
'See you soon.'. He said and waved as I drove off. In the car on the way home I listened to the violet hour by sea wolf and then the thought hit me to ask Paul if he knows anything about the Cullen's.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now