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Jasper injected the venom and I screamed. My vision became blurry and all I could hear was the sound of me screaming.
My mind began showing me flash backs of my life.

The spelling bee judge handed me my first place medal and I smiled at the audience brightly. My braces where shining brightly in the light.

Fourteen year old me closed my eyes and Bailey leaned in. Our lips moved together awkwardly and I pulled away blushing like mad.

At the airport I said my last fair wells to my three best friends Peter,Ruby and Isla.
'Keep in touch.'. Ruby croaked out through the tears and gave me one last hug. 'Send lots of photos.'. Peter added and winked at me.
Isla just stood there crying into her tissue and Ruby patted her back.

We began talking about an English assignment until I saw Bella noticeably staring at something behind me, I spun around as my jet black hair swooped infront of my eyes and I saw a group of stylish people in expensive cars.

I glanced over to him every now and then and he was frozen in the same position each time, looking like he was to scared to move.

Jasper lead me upstairs into his room which was very open. 'It's amazing.'. I said and wondered around admiring all his things. 'I need to tell you something.'. Jasper said and he looked rather uncomfortable. 'Anything.'. I breathed and Jasper came closer to me.
'I'm a Vampire'

'I imprinted on you'. The words went through me like a hot iron

. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jasper making bacon and eggs.

The next day I went for a walk in the woods with Jasper, we eventually reached a meadow and as soon as we walked into the sunshine his skin started to sparkle.

'Would you like to dance?'. I put my drink down and wrapped my arms around Jaspers shoulders.

'You came.'. Paul cheered and hugged me tightly, which was just what I needed.

I then turned around and saw Jasper standing there in the dark. Without hesitation I ran up to him and he pulled me into a hug, he gently stroked my hair and I took in his scent which I had craved over the months.

I pulled him closer to me and he started kissing my neck gently and moved back up to my lips. I moved onto the bed and started to undo the buttons of my shirt.

The thunder crackled fiercely within the sky as Jasper swivelled the bat in his hand, an expression of concentration upon his face as he paid attention to my feelings, I could now tell when he did so.

Seth gave me a final spin and then I heard Emmett tap the microphone.

We where up in his room now and he looked rather nervous. 'Jazz'. I asked.
'Holly Jane Underwood. I love you. I want to love, cherish and protect you forever. Be mine. Forever. Share my life with me.'. Jasper then got down on one knee. 'Will you marry me?'. I blink down at him as my tears fall down my cheeks

'Hi mum.' I said and ran into her arms. I wouldn't be able to hug mum like this after I was changed so I made the most of it.

I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.
'Guess who'. The familiar voice said and I turned around seeing Ruby,Peter and Isla infornt of me. I hugged them all tightly. 'You came.' I screamed out of joy. 'Of course.' Ruby said and Isla nodded. 'So is the groom as attractive up close?' Paul teased and Isla nudged his shoulder. Sure enough Jasper made his way over to us.

I looked up at the alter and saw my mum and Rosalie standing there with royal blue bridesmaid dresses and on the other end was Paul.
I smiled weakly at the sight of him but my smile grew larger as I saw Jasper standing there.
I couldn't wipe the smile away, I must of looked so silly.

My eyes fluttered open and I saw all the Cullen's standing where I last remembered them. Rosalie and Jasper holding both of my hands.
'Welcome to immortality.' Edward said and I got up fast. 'Jasper you should take her to go hunt.' Esme suggested and I held my throat, the thirst was unbearable.
Jasper and I raced out of the house and into the woods. It felt nice to be the same speed as Jasper, even faster actually.
We suddenly stopped and Jasper used his fingers to gently close my eye lids. 'What do you hear?' He asked quietly and I used my senses. I could smell a elk, I raced over to were I heard the noise from and stalked the elk until I was ready to pounce.
The blood tasted better than anything I had tried in my life, my tongues taste buds tingled in delight.
We finally headed back to the house and everyone was waiting for me.
'I can't deal with it anymore I have to tell you'. Alice cried out as I walked into the room. 'Holly you're gifted.' Edward nodded in agreement. 'I can see it in your mind, it's very strong.'. I looked around at the other Cullen's who where listening carefully.
'You have the ability to control the elements.' Alice blurted out and I gasped out of surprise. 'What like Fire and water?' I asked and both Edward and Alice nodded.
'Well let's test it out.' Said Emmett eagerly and everyone rushed outside.
'You have to really focus.' Carlisle said and I closed my eyes.
I thought of Fire, burning in the palm of my hand and when I opened my eyes that's exactly what I saw.
'Woah!' Jake enthused and I blushed, the fire left my hand when I lost focus.
Jasper came over to me and I ran my hands along his arms. We where the same temperature.
'You still smell the same.' Jasper said and I pulled him into a kiss.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now