Wedding Bells

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I watched sitting on the railing of the porch in the backyard as Bella scraped her white heels against the wood. It made a terrible scratching sound, especially for me. I winced and Alice looked nervous. Bella looked at us.
'Um...' I said trying to think. 'You'll just have to break them in' said Alice,smiling nervously.
'I've been breaking them in. For three days'She said with a little desperation. 'Can I just go barefoot?'.
'No' interjected with a scowl that matched Alice's.
'Absolutely not' I hoped down and stood between them as Bella argued her point.
'Just thinking it's a little much,you know'. She said. 'The dress, the shoes, and all of this.'. She looked out and I saw Jasper and Carlisle in with some benches made of wood, with one hand. I smiled smugly. The honey blonde hair man right there, was mine.
'No it's exactly enough'. Said Alice sharply and I laughed. 'Tomorrow will be perfect' she assured.

'Where do you want them, boss?' Asked Emmett walking in carrying a huge log.
'On either side of the aisle.'. She said simply and went to turn back to us but Rose was right behind his carrying a stump.
'What aisle?' She asked and I smiled at her.
'Does no one have vision?' Yelled Alice waking down the steps after them.
I went to say something but I saw Bella's gaze passing me, I turned around and saw Edward standing in the window looking out at his wedding coming together and Bella was staring at him.
'Really? Really this is how we're doing this?' Alice stepped infront of me and got close to Bella.
'You go home and get some beauty sleep.'. She commanded. 'That's an order.
'Okay.'. Bella said snapping out of it. She gave Alice a hug and turned to me and gave me a hug.

Today it was finally the wedding. Mum helped me put on my lavender, empire waist dress. I wedged on my peep toed Maryjanes and rushed out the door.
'Go go go.'. I chanted to mum who was fiddling with her purse.
We where already running late for the wedding and didn't need anymore delays.

We raced threw traffic and finally got to the Cullen's house where the wedding was being held. 'Alright mum you're sitting with Billy Black and Sue Clearwater.'. I said and we both got out of the car.
I helped mum up the hill by holding up her dress until we where on a flat surface.
We walked into the backyard and Alice had decorated it beautifully. I looked around and saw the Cullen's speaking two another family of vampires.
I walked over to Jasper who was in a tuxedo with a white box tie.
'You look beautiful.'. He exclaimed as he saw me walking towards him, I blushed slightly as people watched me. 'Holly this is the Denali Coven. Kate,Tanya,Irina,Carmen and Eleazar.'. Esme said and I shook each one of their stone cold hands.
'Holly is Jasper's mate.'. Carlisle explained and they shook there heads.

'Please be seated.'. The priest called and I took my seat next to Jasper.
The wedding music began and we all stood up.
There was Bella being escorted by Charlie, she looked incredibly nervous. Charlie then gave her to Edward and everyone sat back down.
Jasper took my hand and held it in his lap.
They then began there vowels.
'To have and to hold'
'For better, for worse'
'For richer,for poorer'
'For sickness and in health'
'To love'
'To cherish,as long as we both shall live'
'I do'
'I do'
The after party then began.
Jasper introduced me to all of there friends and then I danced with Seth while he danced with Alice.

Seth gave me a final spin and then I heard Emmett tap the microphone.
'Excuse me is this on?' Asked Emmett. We all took our seats, Jasper and I sat with Esme,Carlisle and Rosalie.
A man wolf whistled making Emmett stand a little taller.
'Um....Id like to purpose a toast.To my new sister. Bella I hope you've gotten enough sleep these past eighteen years. Cause you won't be getting anymore for awhile.'. Everyone clapped and Edward gave him a look. I shook my head laughing and raised my glass clinking it with Jasper.
'Well,Bella was just like everybody else. Totally mesmerised by Edward' she said into the microphone and I gave Jasper the "oh no" look. 'Or the hair as I call him. Um and then suddenly Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council.'. She muttered and everyone awkwardly clapped.
'Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop. I know these things. Like how to hunt someone till the ends of the earth'. I laughed along with Esme and a few other people. 'You better watch your back,Edward' I thought and he turned around, looking at me with a goofy smile.
'And how to shoot a gun.'. Alice went up and listed all the fashion things Bella will have to get use to, Bella's mum went up and full on sang. 'I'd like to thank Rene and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect her forever.'. Esme said sweetly. I walked up there nervously and looked at everyone staring at me.

'Bella is like my older sister. She is annoying and super weird.'. I said and everyone laughed and I started to feel more confident.
'But on a serious note I love you both and Edward I know you will take care of Bella.... forever, if not I will help Charlie hunt you down.'. I raised my glass and gave Charlie a wink.
Finally Edward went up.
'It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone you can bare your soul to. And who will accept you for what you are.'. I looked at Jasper remembering the how to kill a mockingbird quote, I smiled and grabbed his hand.
'I've been waiting what seems a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to purpose a toast to my beautiful bride. No amount of time with you will be long enough. So let's start with forever.'.

We all started dancing and I began dancing slowly with Jasper. 'May I?' Emmett asked Jasper and he nodded. Emmett spun me around into Edwards arms. 'The man of the hour.'. I joked and Edward rolled his eyes.
'Where is Bella?'. He put his hands on my waist and began leading me around on the dance floor. 'She's with Jacob.'. He said. 'Does that mean Paul's here?' I thought and Edward shook his head. 'No just Jacob.'. I finished dancing with Edward and walked over to mum who was talking with Kate from the Denali coven. 'How do you get your hair so blonde?' Mum asked and admired her silky hair. Kate chuckled and I winked at her. 'So I see you've met my Mum.'. I laughed and mum hiccuped, I'm guessing she had a bit to much to drink.
I slowly pulled mum away from Kate and fetched her a glass of water. 'Thanks Hols.'. Jasper came over to us, his back was perfectly straight like a soldier. 'May I take this dance?' He asked my mum and held out his hand. She took it and I watched as he danced with her, stopping her from falling over almost six times. I couldn't stop laughing.

It was finally time to say goodbye to Bella and Edward. We all walked outside and waved goodbye, as the car drove past us I saw Jasper give Edward thumbs up and I elbowed him laughing.

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