A Baby

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The next day I woke up in Jasper's bed and started uncomfortably coughing. I clutched my burning hot forehead that almost felt hotter than Paul's.
All the Cullen's rushed into the room.
'ESME WE NEED COUGH MEDICINE!' Jasper yelled, although the fact that he was yelling at all was a dead give away to his panic considering he really didn't need to.
'Yeah and now a headache tablet you idiot!' Rose snapped at him.
Emmett took one look at me curled up on the bed sniffling and zipped out of the room with a 'Im on tissues'.
Alice rolled her eyes, 'Honestly I'll get another blanket you're clearly cold.' she said before leaving just as quickly.
I wasn't quite sure how this had happened. All I did was cough and protective vampire family were on the warpath. Think about the tickle in your throat,It was ridiculous.
Esme was making chicken soup which she finally brought in with the cough medicine and headache tablet at the same time as Alice threw another blanket across me and Emmett retuned with enough tissues for an army which he deposited on my lap.
I managed to finish the chicken soup and take the medicine and before I knew it Jasper was sending waves of tiredness out. 'Jazz I don't need to sleep.'
'Sleep is how the body heals Holly.' He replied at exactly the same time as Carlisle walked in, obviously home from his work at the hospital for the day.
'Oh thank God!' I exclaimed jumping up despite the extreme fatigue I now felt. 'Will you please tell them that feeling a little ill is not going to kill me?!' I asked pointing accusingly at the family.
'Of course it won't.' He said frowning at his family. 'At least two of you have medical degrees, I thought you would realise this.' At that he stepped up to me and placed his cool hand against my forehead,it felt nice. 'Although you do have a temperature Holly. Perhaps it would be best if you lie down.'
Great. This was great. So now you really were sick and clearly the Cullen's were not going to let me out of there sight until I was better.
I flopped back onto the bed with an 'ugh.'

Luckily mum came to pick me up an hour later so I didn't have to put up with this behaviour for long. 'For your wedding I wanted to give you pearled earrings to match your necklace.'. Mum said when we got into her little yellow car. I clutched my necklace and smiled. 'And then your kids can wear the necklace and bracelet and then there kids.'. I then slowly frowned, feeling guilty that I wouldn't be able to give mum grandchildren.

Rosalie and I went shopping the next day when her phone unexpectedly rang. 'It's Bella.'. She said and answered the phone,turning it on speaker to I could hear too.
'Rose?' She asked.
'What's going on?' Rose and I mused, when we heard how shaky her voice was.
'I need your help.'. She said to us both and we nodded to each other.
'What's going on are you okay?' I asked worried. 'Where's Edward?' Rose added.
Bella told us everything and I almost collapsed, luckily Rosalie caught me.
We raced back to the Cullen's and as soon as we got in the door I saw Alice talking to Carlisle. 'Do you know?' I asked. 'About Bella?'.
'We found out a few hours ago.'. Carlisle said nodding. I felt a little hurt that he didn't tell me.
'What's going on?' Jasper asked walking into the room with Emmett. 'Bella's pregnant.'. Rose said a little hopefully.
Everyone in the room looked worried besides Rosalie.
'The fetus could kill her.'. Esme said, her voice cracking a bit.
'Baby.'. Rosalie corrected her and I rushed over to Jasper, crying into his arms as he held me.

Bella had been home for a few days now and I spent most of my time by her side until night when I had to go back home.
Jasper told me that it scared him how I was acting. I wasn't eating or sleeping much at all, I was tired and didn't really speak to anyone either.

'I'm taking you home, you look exhausted.'. Jasper announced and carried me bridal style into the car. As we drove off we passed Jacob heading up to the house.
'Jasper you have to stop using that on me.'. I groaned as tiredness flooded over me and I fell asleep.

Completely unaware of how I got to my bed I stretched my arms up to the ceiling. 'I needed that sleep.'. I thought and jumped out of bed to see mum and her new partner Patrick eating breakfast.
'Morning.'. I mumbled and poured myself some apple juice.
I pretended to be sane infront of mum but I really wanted to break down and cry.
'Alright mum see you later.'. I said, hoping she didn't here the crack in my voice. I jumped into my car and sped off to see Bella.
'How are you?' I asked breathlessly and sat beside her.
'Fine.'. She lied.
Jasper walked over to me and kissed me softly. I opened my mouth wider giving his tongue an opening, but I quickly pulled away. My attention had to be on Bella.
'Never leave me.'. I whispered to him.
'I've waited over one hundred and fifth years, I'm not going anywhere'. He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.
Then suddenly Edward walked in. 'The packs after Bella.'. He announced and Jake came inside telling us what happened with Sam.
'We won't go through without a fight.'. Emmett demanded and Jasper nodded.
'No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty.'. Carlisle said calmly. I stiffened in anger. 'The treaty is void, atleast in Sam's mind.'. Jake said quickly. 'Well not in ours.'. Esme added. I looked around the room at all the black eyes. 'Carlisle no ones hunted in weeks.'. I reminded him. 'Will make do'. Esme said looking at everyone.
I could see the panic in Jasper's eyes, I knew that he struggled with thirst and especially with these circumstances, things will be difficult.

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