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I sat on the couch motionless. Emmett walked in the room and handed me a peanut butter sandwich. 'Dude that stuff stinks.'. He chuckled, I smiled at him weakly and began taking small bites of the sandwich.
I hadn't seen Jasper all day because he had locked himself in his room.
His reason was because 'it was for my own good.'.

Everyone in the room was silent. Bella,Edward and Carlisle were in the X-Ray room while the rest of us stayed in the lounge.
I hated knowing that Jasper could feel what we all felt and was in his room dealing with it all alone.
'Hey.'. Alice said quietly and sat next to me. She held my hand and rubbed it gently with her thumb.
'So how's Lily and Patrick going?'. I looked up from our hands to her face. Her eyes were darker then ever and her hair had lost its shine.
'Good, he takes care of her pretty well.'. I said and I finished off my sandwich.

I went for a walk around the house to clear my mind, even though it didn't work. When I came back I saw Bella lying on the couch next to Jake for warmth. Jasper was standing in the corner of the room, away from everyone.
'That's a good idea, Jake.'. Edward praised and Jacob looked shocked. 'What is it?' I asked him eagerly.
'That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into' Jake smiled slightly at me.
Everyone gulped and there eyes were blacker then ever, I'm guessing that's why Jake kept his view on my normal dark green ones.
'He's thirsty.'. Bella said weakly and Edward looked hopeful.
'If its craving it's not going to want animal blood.'. Emmett said and Carlisle got up to go get spare blood from Bella.
Jasper's gaze followed Carlisle and I walked over to him and took his hand squeezing it. 'It burns.'. He whispered to me. 'Let's go for a walk.'. I invited Emmett to come also, he looked like he was about to attack.

We went out the back and Jasper said he could even smell the cup from here.
Jake came to join us outside also. Jasper and Emmett went for a walk together and I stayed with Jake.
'Have you heard from Paul?' I asked him and Jakes jaw clenched.
'Not since he decided to kill Bella.'. I almost choked hearing the words. Why was Paul doing this?. 'Jake I could use a wolf hug.'. I said and he wrapped his arms around me, the warmth made me feel better for a moment.
'You coming back inside?' Jake asked. 'No I'm gonna stay out here.'. I looked up at the stars which seemed brighter then ever. I heard a faint wolf howl and I shivered, I wish there was something I could do.

I went back inside and that's when my phone buzzed. I was expecting it to be mum but it was Ruby.
'Hello?' I answered and everyone looked up at me.
'Holly thank god I need to tell you major gossip.'. She said cheerfully and I sighed.
'So Joeys brother Zach and I have been on and off and then I found out he was cheating on me, so of course-' She began but I cut her off. 'Ruby I can't talk right now, another time.'. I heard Ruby snarl. 'You never have time anymore.'. Before an argument broke out I hung up the phone.

The next night Rosalie,Jacob,Alice and Edward had to help Bella give birth as Carlisle,Emmett and Esme where our hunting.
Jasper was circling the house incase a wolf came, also a distraction from the blood.
'Look at me!' Jake said to Bella as Rosalie stuck the knife in, I blocked my ears as Bella screamed.
Once the cutting was done Rosalie pulled the knife out and looked at her hand covered in blood, her black eyes began to sparkle.
'Rosalie don't!.' Jake yelled and Alice dragged her out of the room.

I went to go comfort Rose in the living room.
We waited impatiently until we heard the baby cry and we both stood up.
'I'll go get it.'. She assured me and I sat back down.
When she came back down the baby was covered in blood crying. 'Renesmee ' she was so adorable.
I took her off Rosalie and cleaned her up, putting her in a new change of clothes and cleaning off the blood. 'Here you go.'. I said happily and handed the baby back to Rose.

'Alice!,Jasper!' Edward called from outside and I saw the wolf pack there. I watched from inside and the Cullen's where losing badly. Paul had trapped Jasper to the ground and was about to crush him with his teeth when I ran out there. 'Paul no!' I screamed. And he backed up sulking. Esme,Emmett and Carlisle finally arrived and helped them fight the wolves off.
I rushed back inside to go check on Rose when I saw Jacob kneeling on the floor.
'Are you okay?' I asked worried and he looked up at me. 'I imprinted on Renesmee.'. He stormed out of the room and I went to sit with Rose on the couch. Renesmee had already grown a full head of hair and looked a lot different. 'Her growing rate is fast.'. She said and I nodded, my eyes where wide open from shock.

Let's just say the next day Jacob and Edward had a long talk.
Renesmee had a unusual gift where she could communicate, when she touched your face you could see anything she wants you to see of her memory.
I was holding Renesmee and lying on Jaspers stomach while he watched football with Emmett. They all had hunted now, there eyes where glowing golden not a dull black.
Nesse put her hand on my face and I saw the first memory she has of Bella.
'She's sleeping, she'll be here soon.'. I encouraged and it was true, Bella was sleeping.

'Hey Holly can you come with me for a second.'. Jasper asked and I gave Renesmee to Rosalie.
We where up in his room now and he looked rather nervous. 'Jazz'. I asked.
'Holly Jane Underwood. I love you. I want to love, cherish and protect you forever. Be mine. Forever. Share my life with me.'. Jasper then got down on one knee. 'Will you marry me?'. I blink down at him as my tears fall down my cheeks.
My rock,my man.
I love him so much and all I could manage to say was 'yes'.
Jasper grinned, relived and places the ring on my finger. 'It's called a heart motif Ruby engagement ring.'. I kissed him on the cheek and he picked me up spinning me around.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now