He Is Back

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I walked into school like a zombie although I felt like a recovering drug addicted.

'My name is Major Whitlock, ma'am.'. He said bowing infront of me. Then I noticed another cowboy comes along and stands next to Jasper, he takes off his hat and there reveals Paul. 'You have to choose one of us.'. Paul urged and I screamed.

'Miss Underwood you can leave now.'. The history teacher said trying to shake me awake. 'Sorry.'. I muttered and stumbled out of the classroom. After homework club that night I stopped by the Swans house like usual except this time I noticed a shining black car in the driveway. 'Carlisle?' I thought and walked inside. There was Alice and Bella sitting on the couch. 'Alice!' I cheered and hugged her tightly. I then turned around and saw Jasper standing there in the dark. Without hesitation I ran up to him and he pulled me into a hug, he gently stroked my hair and I took in his scent which I had craved over the months. 'Let's take a walk.'. He said and I took his arm and we walked along the dark streets.
'How come you didn't keep in contact with me?' I wept and began crying at the sight of him. 'Because I didn't think I had a right to.'. He said in his sweet southern accent. Jasper then took his thumb and wiped the tears away from my eyes.
We continued walking and there were so many questions I had for him I didn't know where to start, I could also see the pain on Jaspers face as I knew he could feel my emotions.

'So where did you go?' I asked trying to not sound hysterical. 'The Denali coven which is in Alaska.'. He replied and I now wished I took a plane to go visit him. 'Was it as hard for you as it was for me?'. As I said this I saw Jaspers face begin to frown slowly. 'I felt like a piece of my soul was missing.'. I couldn't hold back the urge anymore and I kissed him. Unlike our first kiss this felt like it lasted forever and I wish it did.

I had another nightmare that night and I woke up screaming Jaspers name loudly. 'It's okay.'. He answered softly and it bought me immediate comfort that he was back by my side again.

For the next few days Jasper and I where inseparable, even at school we stuck by each other's side.
Jasper had also given me his mothers pearl necklace for an apology/early birthday present and I wore it everywhere.
Soon it was my actual birthday and instead of celebrating it at the Cullen's like Bella did my Aunty,Uncle,Grandma,Ruby,Peter,Isla and my cousins came down to forks for my birthday. Although I did want Jasper to be there, human blood did complicate things a bit and he still didn't forgive himself about what happened with Bella so I invited Paul instead.

I waited almost the whole party for Paul to arrive but he never did. It wasn't like him to skip important things and especially my birthday.

The next day I got a letter and mum pointed out that it had travelled from Paul to his dad to mum and finally to me. I opened the letter and each crossed out line cut me deeper, the fact that Paul didn't know what to say terrified me. Behind every angry beginning I could tell it was just hurt and Jasper would constantly remind me that he just needed to grieve but this was all getting to much. While I was pondering this I heard mum call me from the kitchen and I hesitated until I finally made my way down stairs.
'So what did the letter say?' Mum asked eagerly, I'm assuming she was expecting it to be good like a birthday present. 'It was just gossip I suppose, not really that interesting.'. I lied and mum flashed a warm smile, I'm surprised she believed me.

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