Battle Field

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The battle was tomorrow and Jasper,Alice,Rosalie,Emmett,Esme and Carlisle went to hunt to prepare for the battle while Edward stayed with Bella.

Although I did want to help there was nothing I could do.
That night I couldn't sleep at all, no matter how much I tossed and turned to try and get comfortable it didn't work.
Even though Jasper was the best fighter I was still worried about his safety.
It was now five in the morning and I decided to give up on trying to sleep. I wiped the fog off my window and peered out side to see mum doing some gardening out the front.
I quickly chucked on an old grey shirt and some pants that had a rip on the knee.
'Hey mum what are you doing?'. I walked over to her and noticed seedling packets next to her.
'I'm planting some flowers, apparently we have some good weather coming up.'. She enthused and I picked up the seed packets to see what she was planting. 'Lilacs,Lavender,Buttercups,Lily's and Daffodils.'. I read out loud and handed them back to mum.
'Mind if I help?' I added and she looked up at me beaming, I knew that helping mum with the garden would take my mind off things a little. 'Take these gloves and you can start planting the Lilacs.'. She requested and I happily took a gardening spade and began digging a hole to put the Lilac seeds in.

Cleaning up the whole garden took almost the whole day. We cleaned the pond in our backyard up by pulling out some pond weeds to make the water Lily's and Lotus buds more noticeable. We also finished up planting the flowers in the front garden and mum headed down to the hardware store to buy some equipment for the vegetable garden she was thinking of starting.

Although I didn't really have that much interest in gardening it was the only thing that would take my mind off things and I even think mum was surprised that I was helping her in the garden today.
I waited out on the front porch for mum to get back from the hardware store. The sun was shining and I could feel the sun soaking into my skin, which I hadn't felt in awhile.
Mum finally pulled up in her little yellow Volkswagen Bettle that she liked to call "Bumblebee".
I would hardly ever ride around town in that car, just imagining it made me cringe.

'Sorry it took so long I had to stop at the gas station.'. Mum called out and carried planks of wood inside.
'What's these for?' I asked, trying to hold back my laugh.
'The perimeter of the veggie patch silly.'. Mum said sheepishly and continued fumbling around the house.
I went upstairs and turned on my cell but there were no missed calls or messages from any of the Cullen's. 'things are getting strange.'. I thought impatiently.
Suddenly I heard a car pulling up on our gravel driveway, I ran over to the window to see Jasper leaning against Carlisle car. With no hesitation I ran out to him and jumped into his arms, he swung me around and kissed me on the lips before putting me back on the ground.

We must of been spinning around so fast that I stood still and clutched my forehead, like when you have a brain freeze.
The pain was finally gone and I looked back up at Jasper who was standing there like a supermodel.
'I thought I had broken you.'. Jasper joked and I rolled my eyes. 'Broken me?Oh no, just the opposite.'. I moved toward him like a magnet.
He reaches out and takes my hand. 'You're my lifeline.'. He whispered and pulled me into a embrace. Mum rushed over to us and to my embarrassment pulled Jasper down to her height and kissed him on both his cheeks.
'Come inside.'. She insisted and they both ignored my loud groan.
He took a seat on the couch across from my mum who had brought out from the attic old photos of me.

Mum said things like 'She was a Chubby baby' or 'As a kid she didn't have much luck with boys'. I wanted to curl up and die right then and there.
'What where you like as a kid, Jasper?' Mum asked and I immediately drew my attention back to the conversation. 'Well when I was a boy I enjoyed the suns company a bit more.'. I could see the laughter in Jaspers eyes, this was definitely a inside joke.

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