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I pulled up out the front of Jacobs house where the bonfire party was being held and everyone looked almost shocked when they saw me get out of the car.
'You came.'. Paul cheered and hugged me tightly, which was just what I needed.
He lead me over to the others and even introduced me to some more people. 'We heard about the Cullen's leaving.'. Quil said and Paul shot him a deathly glare. 'Yeah they did.'. I awkwardly took a sip of my water. After a short moment of silence Jacob started a conversation about bikes and other boy stuff that I wasn't really interested in.
I decided to sleep over at Paul's house tonight and I'm really glad I did or otherwise I would be locked in my room, writing in my little pink diary and trying to convince myself Jasper was real. It took me a while to fall asleep and I could tell Paul was waiting for me to fall asleep first because I couldn't hear any snoring.

I woke up safe in Paul's arms and I quietly got up out of bed and into the lounge room where his dad was cooking omelettes. 'Would you like one?' He asked as I took a seat on a stool facing the kitchen. 'Yes please.'. I replied as I watched him flip the omelettes over. 'So Holly how has life been treating you?'. He handed me the omelette on a fine China plate 'Good.'. I replied and began eating.
It took a while but Paul soon woke up and I spent the day learning how to fish with him. Not only was it the first time I had been in the sun for a long time but also the first time I had laughed in ages. I proudly came home with my first and only caught fish that mum cooked for dinner.
'I'm glad you have a friend like Paul.'. Mum said blissfully as she tapped me on the tip of my nose like a kid.
'Same.'. I answered truthfully and continued on my homework.

After a few more weeks of hanging out with Paul and doing all my old hobbies I was starting to feel sane again until I was alone.He also told me that Bella was hanging around Jake a lot lately and they had been fixing bikes.
'So what do you want to do today?' Paul asked as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. 'Anything.'. I breathed and he smirked down at me.
We eventually decided on walking around in the woods. After a while of walking Paul stopped in his tracks and smiled brightly at me. 'Want to have some fun?'. I nodded carefully and watched as he turned into a wolf. His large head gestured to me to jump onto his back, I hoped on and he ran around the forest so fast that the wind felt like it was almost pulling my face off. Paul  stopped when we got to a lookout and I took my camera out and began taking photos of the view.

We eventually went back to Paul's house for a change of clothes and when the sunset came out we walked along la push beach.
'So I'm guessing you haven't heard from Jasper?' Paul asked and I almost choked at the words. It was true I thought I would have atleast received another letter but I got nothing. 'No.'. I mumbled and Paul grabbed my hand squeezing it tight.
'I know that you're hurting but time will eventually heal itself you've just got to move along with it.'. He quoted and I smiled up at him although the words made my insides flip.

Even though it was hard to resist Paul because the imprintee and Imprinter are always suppose to be compatible, I still missed the way Jasper spoke and the way he touched me. He was so unique and perfect, even his flaws had some sort of perfection in my eyes.

It was now Monday and in English class I sat next to Bella who looked very ill. 'Do you want to hang out tonight?' I asked her and she finally looked at me with her droopy eyes. 'Sure.'. She croaked.
That night I decided to take her for a drive to Port Angeles which I hadn't been to since Jasper took me. We ate at a diner and talked about the Cullen's, which I guess is our way to remember they where real. 'I keep sending Alice emails like she's going to respond but-'. Bella trailed off and I knew what she meant. 'I keep thinking Jasper is going to read my letters I wrote about him, but then again how could he.'. I thought out loud and I could see Bella got some comfort because we where going threw the same thing.

I came home late that night and when I walked threw the door I could tell mum was waiting for me. 'I think you should take a look.'. She said sternly and handed me a piece of paper which I recognised as my report card.
I was failing everything besides Art,History,English.
'I also found out you skipped maths club today.'. She stated and folded her arms.
'Well maybe I just didn't feel like attending.'. I retorted and fled for my room where I turned the music up loud and shoved my head into my pillow.

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now