Crimson Blood

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You never fully understand a person, until you consider things from his point of view- To Kill A Mockingbird.

A/N:Hey guys so because we have now reached the time frame of New Moon I decided to make it as though it's the second book of frozen called "Crimson Blood".
So I hope you enjoy "the second book" as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤️❤️

I'd also like to give you a bit of a get to know the character incase you didn't pick it up from the first book :))

Lily Underwood (Mum): although it doesn't say what she looks like if like to think she looks similar to Holly. She's a registered nurse and works with Carlisle.
Lily is very eccentric and loves Holly a lot, they have a very close relationship. You will get to know a bit more about her and the other characters as time goes on!

Ruby: Ruby has been friends with Holly ever since they where born because there mums are best friends. Ruby is extremely popular at her school and is your typical glamorous teenager.

Isla: Isla and Holly met in middle school and is Holly's best friend, out of all of the friends Isla is definitely the closest. I won't mention this in the book but they do have regular phone calls and Isla went with Holly and her mum to Hawaii as a surprise.
Isla's dad is an alcoholic and she has had a ruff childhood.

Peter: if you couldn't already tell Peter is gay and he loves makeup. Holly always use to convince him to become a drag queen. The two met in high school and always took the same classes.

Holly: Holly is a bit of the Underdog and has never felt like she belongs. She immediately falls in love with Jasper not only because he's her soul mate but because he reminds her of herself. Holly has black hair and green eyes.

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