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Meanwhile Alice was helping Bella get ready for the prom, she insisted that Rosalie should help me.
I put on my dress that mum bought me which was a black sateen strapless dress with a ruffled hem.
'If you want I could do you hair and makeup?' Rosalie offered and I nodded slowly.
Rosalie didn't put much makeup on me only a little bit of eyeshadow. She then curled my hair and straightened out my bangs. 'Thankyou.'. I said as I admired her work in the mirror. Rosalie smiled slightly and I was glad she was warming up to me.
'Jasper should be here soon.'. She added and walked out the room. Then there was a knock at my bedroom door. 'Come in.'. I called out and it was my mum with a tissue in her hand.
'Oh Hols you look beautiful.'. She sobbed into her tissue and I went up to hug her.

Mum lead me back downstairs and I saw Jasper waiting for me in a sleek tuxedo, he was smiling with his beautiful shining teeth.
'Okay wait I will go get my camera.'. Mum shrieked with joy and hurried off into the office.
'You look more amazing each time I see you.'. I don't know if he was trying to be alluring but it was working. Mum finally came back in the room and we posed for the photo.
'We won't be out to long Miss Underwood.'. Jasper said and Mum gave us both hugs as we walked out the door, I could feel the redness on my face from embarrassment.

'Sorry about her.'. I croaked out, still embarrassed from my mums actions. 'If she's important to you she's important to me.'. He promised and I almost trembled in my seat.
We finally arrived at the prom and I saw Bella and Edward talking to Jacob Black. 'Should we go say hi?' I asked Jasper as I linked arms with him. 'By the feelings coming from there conversation probably not.'. He joked and we headed inside. As we where walking along the red carpet to enter I saw Marcus the school captain in a bright blue tuxedo stepped out infront of us.
'Stand still for the photo.'. He requested and I gave a toothless smile, there was no way I could compete with Jaspers, I'd look like a fool.
We walked inside and everyone was dancing, I looked around the room watching everyone be happy and let loose.
Jasper spun me around in a circle and he then went to get me a drink. 'They where serving mocktails.'. He enthused and handed me a coconut with an umbrella in it.
'Why didn't you get one?' I teased him and he raised an eyebrow.
'Would you like to dance?'. I put my drink down and wrapped my arms around Jaspers shoulders.
'Before I met Alice and before she showed me to the rest of the Cullen's I helped out a vampire named Maria make newborn army's.'. He said as if it was a continue on from our conversation a few nights ago.
'And after a year of them being alive Maria forced me to kill them.'. I could see the pain on Jaspers face as he said this.
'I'm glad Alice found you.'. I said happily and he nodded. 'I am too.'.
After a moment of us dancing in silence , Flightless bird began to play. 'Alright were slowing it down.'. The DJ called.
'I thought what Maria and I had was love, I now know what real love feels like.'. He whispered and I shivered at his cold minty breath against my skin. I wished we could stay in this moment forever. 'Would you ever consider c-changing me?' I stuttered and watched his expression carefully. 'No... I wouldn't want this to be a life for you.'. I rested my head on his shoulder. When we first met in history, if I had of done this he would of probably lost control and I smiled at the thought of how far he has come.

'Is it still hard for you to be around human blood?'. I could tell that Jasper was thinking of the right thing to say.
'Yes, but I feel almost immune to wanting yours.'. He said sounding pleased with himself and I bit my lip trying to hold my raging smile. The night was over and Jasper walked me up to my front porch. 'Before you go can I ask one thing.'. I requested. 'I want you to kiss me.'.
Jasper leaned in closer and his cold lips touched mine, I could taste that hint of mint that I craved, To soon he pulled away but I still enjoyed every moment of it. 'I promised Emmett I would help him do something so you have time to yourself tonight.'. Jasper told me and kissed me on the forehead goodbye.

I walked inside and I saw mum on the phone with two pieces of paper in her hand and I soon realised they were tickets. 'We aren't moving are we?' I argued and she jumped up out of her seat. 'No we are going to Hawaii for one week as a little holiday.'. She said excitably and relieved I tried to catch my breath.
'Alright well I'm going to bed, night.'. I headed upstairs and run myself a hot bath before bed and checked up on my emails.

Hey Hols! I seriously miss you so much but I have some great news. I got accepted into beauty school.
Talk soon.
From Peter

Holly, I miss you so much and I hate walking past your old house without seeing you come out to greet me. Things are starting to get better though, dads started to go to AA meetings. Call me when you get the chance I could really do with hearing you voice.
From Isla

DOLLY!!! So much has happened since you have left. I broke up with Joey, you were right he's a dick and I've started going out with Joey's brother for revenge. Anyways what's been going on with you, miss you sugar ttyl.
From Ruby

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now