Before I Say Goodbye

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I stuck all my photos up on the wall just above my bed. Majority of them were from my holiday with mum to Hawaii but there where photos of my friends from San Francisco, Bella and Prom pictures of Jasper and I.

These past few months I had mainly spent with Jasper and the Cullen family, although I wanted to spend time with Paul I never had the energy to.
Today was September the thirteenth which meant it was Bella's birthday, before school that day I had gone out and bought her a ring that I knew Bella would like because Alice told me and since when was Alice ever wrong?

I went to the Cullen's straight after school to help Alice and Esme set up everything.
'That's a big cake for just me and Bella.'. I pointed out laughing.
'Jasper told me you did cheerleading as a kid, what exactly is that?' Esme asked and I felt embarrassed. 'Well it's a group of girls who chant and encourage a sports team like football.'. I squeaked out but to my relief Esme seemed impressed. I pulled a photo out of my purse of me and my friend Ruby when we where younger in our cheerleading costumes, I showed Esme and she smiled brightly. 'You look happy.'. Jasper walked over to me giving me a sweet peck on the lips.

Shortly after Alice came down stairs with Bella and Edward she began opening her presents. 'This is from Carlisle and Esme.'. Alice enthused. Bella began to try opening it and she cut her finger on the blue wrapping paper. 'Paper cut.'. Bella said casually and then she realised where she was.
Jasper flung forward to attack her but luckily Emmett and Edward could stop him in time.
Everyone went to go settle Jasper and Carlisle went to help Bella. I didn't really know at that point where I belonged because if I was in the same room as Jasper I'd probably trigger him.

Later that night Emmett drove me home, it was an awkward silence the whole way there so I was glad to be home.
Once I finally arrived home I finished up my art project and helped mum with the dishes.
The next day at school Bella and I realised none of the Cullen's where at school and it was all a bit strange. They had never missed a day besides Edward. I got home expecting Jasper to be waiting for me but he wasn't there, the house was empty.
I slowly walked up the stairs and flung my bag into the corner of my room and put on the radio which was playing "Bat for lashes&Beck- Let's get lost", I then noticed a sealed envelope with my name on it.

Dear Holly,
I didn't know how I was going to start this letter off and I wanted to say it in person but I didn't have time.
I can't go into full details but my family and I had to leave due to people noticing Carlisle lack of ageing. Please don't try look for me because I don't want to disappoint you.
Love  forever Jasper.

The letter made me feel like I was getting stabbed over and over again everywhere on my body. Tears began streaming down my face and I started breathing heavily.
'Why?' Was all I could think it was like I was frozen and my brain couldn't function.

I told mum about Jasper leaving and she let me take a week off school. All I did was sit in my room feeling lost.
I was lying in bed pulling at the bed sheets and staring where Jasper once lied. 'Honey I bought you something.'. Mum announced as she entered my room. I sat up and she handed me a pastel pink covered book, clearly something mum would of picked out.
I flicked threw the blank pages, breathing in the scent of fresh paper.
'It's a diary.'. She said although I hadn't had a diary since grade five.
'Thanks.'. I mumbled and mum kissed me gently on the forehead. 'How about a nice warm tea.'. She suggested and almost skipped out of the room.
That night I decided to use my diary to write about Jaspers life because at this point of time he seem unrealistic, almost like he was made up. Imaginary.

I wrote things like "He was born in Houston,Texas 1844" "One of the few surviving vampires of the southern vampire wars" although I couldn't physically write Jaspers name I just wrote he.
I eventually started going to school again and Marcus insisted I attended homework club after school because I took to much time off. At school I didn't talk with anyone unless absolutely necessary and these days Bella was almost unapproachable, but I'm sure that's how I looked to her.
Everyday after homework club I would have dinner with mum considering she didn't have to work night shift with Dr Cullen anymore, but I also think she wants to check on me or spend as much time as possible with me.

I used my time by myself now to start painting pictures again and I was now ahead in art class instead of always handing in overdue work. My grandma sent me a bunch of books and I began reading again, I'm assuming mum told her to send them.
I appreciated mums efforts to cheer me up but now I also had to face the trouble of not celebrating my upcoming birthday or Christmas with him, what kills me most is that I knew Jasper didn't want to leave me but he had no choice.

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