It Is Time

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I opened the door and saw Jasper standing there in his favourite white coat. 'Candles.'. He pointed out and hung his coat on the back of the door.
'Tonight's special.'. I flustered and lead him upstairs.
I pulled him closer to me and he started kissing my neck gently and moved back up to my lips. I moved onto the bed and started to undo the buttons of my shirt. 'Stop trying to take your clothes off.'. He said huskily and buttoned up my shirt.
'Why not?' I asked angrily and pushed myself away from him.
'Because I'm not strong enough to do it while you're human.'. He insisted and I groaned in fury.
'Then change me so we can be together forever.'. I demanded and his eyes filled with sadness.
'I'm not going to turn you into a monster.'.
'But what about what I want?'
'You don't want this life.'.
'I want you.'.
I went to storm off out of the room when Jasper grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around. 'Alright I will change you.'. He paused. 'After we get married. I don't want you rushing into anything so you need time to think about your decision.'. He explained and I nodded in agreement. In two years time I would be the same age Jasper was when he got turned, that was my deadline.
'Alice saw a vision of both you and Bella vampires although she will be turned before you.'. He informed and the news was clear. Bella and I would have a forever future with Edward and Jasper.
Jasper walked over to me and held me for awhile, at this point in my life forever seemed like such a short time right now.
'You know I still haven't been to a baseball game yet.'. I hinted and he shot his perfect smile down at me. 'Alice says there's one in two weeks-' Jasper begun. 'I will have that week reserved.'. I said playfully cutting him off.

Although the night wasn't what I expected and we ended up blowing out the candles and chucking the rose petals out I still had a great time with him.
He told me about a famous bar called the watering hole at that almost every night there was a stereotypical Texas fight. I told him embarrassing stories that we laughed about like how I ate a yellow bar of soap thinking it was cheese. I eventually feel asleep in his cold, strong arms and realised that I would have Jasper in my life forever and there was no more running away from that.

Jasper showed me to a big old fashioned mirror, I looked in my reflection and I looked no different from what I do now except with darker lipstick.
But then I looked harder and saw big scarlet eyes shining back at me. 'Happy one hundredth birthday.'. He chirped and kissed me on the cheek. His kiss unlike most times didn't feel cold, we where the same temperature. I was a vampire.

I woke up at that dream and I looked up to see Jasper staring down at me, his golden eyes flowed in the dark like cat eyes. 'Bad dream?' He asked. I paused for a moment pondering if it was a good dream or a bad one. 'No it was perfect.'. I whispered and planted a kiss on his stone felt cheek.

A/N alright this was the last chapter of Crimson Blood aka New Moon. I hoped you liked it next "book" I kind of want to try and build on Holly's personality a bit so you can get to know her more.

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