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'He's looking for Alice.' Edward told us as Aro arrived with his members.
I saw Irina and I heard Tanya and Kate stiffen.
I heard wolf howling and the packs came to join us. Paul stood next to me and I gave him a pat.
The Volturi had stopped and they where a nice distance away from us now.
Carlisle walked out infront of us.
'Aro let's discuss things as we used to.' He purposed. 'In a civilised manner.'.
Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place considering the battalion you've assembled against us.' Aro replied calmly.
'I can promise you that was never our intent.' Carlisle said. 'No laws have been broken!'.
'We see the child, do not treat us as fools.' Caius said sounding insulted.
'She isn't an immortal child.' Carlisle yelled. 'These witnesses can attest to that.'.
I was worried about what was going to end up happening and I moved myself closer to Paul.

After Bella,Jacob and Renesmee came back from visiting. Everyone had just stopped Tanya and Kate from running over to the Volturi as they killed Irina.
Aro scanned everyone from our side and he stopped at me.
'We have another immortal.' He said and everyone turned my direction.
'I'd like to formally introduce myself.' I walked over to Aro with Paul,Benjamin and Emmett by my side.
'Nice to meet you-' I looked up at him, at this point I was a little afraid.
'Holly.' I said and took his hand. He looked into every thought I've had. 'Looks like you have an interesting gift, young Holly.' He said with a sly smile. And then Aro's attention was drawn to behind me. 'Alice.' He gasped and there was Alice and Jasper making there way over.
'Don't touch her!' I heard Jasper yell and run towards me but the guards grabbed a strong hand on him.
I walked back over to the group and stayed right by Paul's side.
'I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind, let me show you.' Alice then showed Aro the vision.

'It doesn't matter what I show you, you still won't change your mind.' Alice said to Aro in shock, she turned to face us and mouthed 'now'.
She kicked Aro up in the air and the guards grabbed ahold of her.
'Let her go!' Carlisle yelled and ran up to Aro. They jumped in the air, I couldn't really see what was happening but when Aro came to the ground he had Carlisle head in his hand. I shrieked with rage and everyone ran after the Volturi.
I worked with Benjamin and our greatest tactic was fire.

Someone covered my mouth and push me into the snow. It was Jasper, I gave him a short sweet kiss. I had missed him. 'Stay close.'. He whispered. Two of the guards had now grabbed me and Jasper was having his own problems with Jane but luckily Bella was using her shield on him.
I demolished the two guards by twisting there heads when I turned around and saw Bella was busy fighting and Jane was using her power on Jasper.
He knelt down on the ground and was shuddering in pain, he was defenceless.
'JASPER!' I screamed and Demetri ripped Jaspers head off.
I couldn't have a moment to spare because I had to go help Benjamin. I think Emmett saw what happened because he destroyed Alec.
Benjamin nodded to me and we smashed our hands onto the ground making a split, revealing a pool of lava.
I went to run away but I saw Seth having a fit on the ground, it was Jane. I ran infront of her to distract her from Seth and she started using her power on me.
I screamed in pain and could see people running to save me. Someone behind me twisted my head.

Alice took her hand away from Aro. 'Now you know.' She said, venom was stinging threw her words.
'Unless you decide on a different course.'.
Caius then walked up a little.
'We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a great threat.'
'But if you where sure she could remained concealed from the human world? Could we live in peace.' Called Edward. I was now almost leaning on Paul for safety.
'Of course but that cannot be known.' Caius said hotly.
'Actually it can.' Edward said with a smile and Alice smiled at him.
Two people walked there way over to the Volturi and one had a irregular heartbeat like Ness.
'I've been searching for witnesses of my own.' Alice said. 'Among the ticuna tribes of Brazil.'
'We have enough witnesses.' Caius insisted but Aro shit him up, I hated Caius.
'A vampire seduced my mother who died giving birth to me. My Aunt Huilen raised me, I made her immortal.' The stranger explained and I smiled.
Bella stepped out infront of us. 'How old are you?' She asked.
'A hundred and fifty years.'
'At what age did you reach maturity?' Aro asked, he seemed desperate to find a reason not to fight.
'I became full grown seven years after my birth.' The stranger said and his Aunt nodded.
'And your diet?'
'Blood or human food I can survive on either.' He said and I felt at ease.
'These children are much like us.' Marcus added to Aro who looked like he was contemplating.
'Regardless,the Cullen's have been consulting with werewolves our natural enemies.' Caius added and I bit my tongue .
Aro turned around to face his guards and companions. 'Dear ones, there is no danger here we will not fight today.' He said calmly and they released Jasper. He rushed over to me and I kissed him on the lips softly, still clinging to Paul.
The Volturi left and everyone celebrated while blocking out Vladimir and Stephan.
'Never leave me again.' I said to Jasper, I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
'My apologies ma'am.' He said in his thick accent, I had missed his glowing smile.
I said goodbye to Paul but somehow I knew Alice's vision was wrong, he would still be around in my life.
Jake even went with the rest of the pack and we all went home to the Cullen's.

The next day we said goodbye to everyone and I noticed Alice clinging to Benjamin. 'Looks like we will be see more of him then.' I thought and watched as Edward,Bella,Jake and Renesmee where talking. I walked over to the Denali coven and Garrett. 'I will miss you guys.' I said and gave them all hugs. 'We will stay in touch.' Tanya said and Kate gave me another hug goodbye.

After everyone had left it was nice to feel safe again with the family back together.
Tonight I made a reunion by laying out the same red roses in our room and a few candles lit.
'Stop trying to take off your clothes.' I teased and Jasper took off his shirt. He pounced on me playfully and gave me the experience I will never forget.
Once we had finished i looked up at Jasper who was still on top of me.
'You're trembling.' I said in a ladylike voice and wiped Jaspers curls out of his eyes. 'Don't worry about me.' He placed his head on my chest and I stroked his hair.

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