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On Sunday I made my way back over to Paul's and luckily he hadn't got sick of my questions from yesterday.
We walked along La push beach and I stayed close to him because he had raging body heat that kept me warm. 'So what do you know about the Cullen's?' I asked Paul and he clenched his jaw. 'They're supposably from an enemy clan.'. Paul said and I stared at our feet sinking into the wet sand. 'Are they werewolves like you?'. Paul began to laugh hysterically, his laugh was so infectious even I started laughing.
'No they wish they where that cool.'. He teased and I was still intrigued about what they where. 'I can keep a secret.'. I whispered in his ear and he smirked at me. 'Come on let's go it's getting cold.' He said avoiding the question. I now knew I had to figure it out for myself.

Paul took me to a nearby diner were we had dinner. 'So I'm sure you're still wondering about who I imprinted on.' Paul said nervously which was weird for him being so nervous, I found it cute. 'Correct.'. I mumbled out and took a sip of my water. 'Just remember I don't know how it works and nor can I control it.'. He added and I nodded smiling.
'I imprinted on you'. The words went through me like a hot iron. I knew how painful it was for Paul to tell me this.
Later that night he drove me home and I cuddled up to him to stay warm. 'It's a wolf thing.'. Paul mused and I breathed in his sent, he made me feel safe.

Monday I had History and I wanted to know what Jaspers problem was so when I got into class I sat next to him only this time he was smiling at me brightly. 'Sorry about last week ma'am....I was having a bad day.'. He said in a sweet southern accent. 'It's fine.'. I said quickly. 'Your eyes are beautiful.'. I said breathlessly as I stared into them and Jasper grew a crooked smile. 'Why thankyou I like yours to.'. Jasper said and his southern accent still charmed me each time he spoke. 'Green eyes are rather boring in my opinion.'. I admitted , casually shrugging my shoulders and Jasper frowned. 'They make you unique.' He said and the teacher walked in the room interrupting our conversation.
This time in class I could see Jasper closely as he answered all the teachers questions about the civil war. 'How do you know so much?' I whispered and Jasper looked over to me with his Golden eyes. 'Practical study.'. He said chuckling to himself.
Finally after almost falling asleep the bell rang and I went to walk out of the room when Jasper came up to me. 'Do you want to sit at my table?' He asked me politely and my body shuddered, what if they don't like me? 'S-Sure.'. I stuttered and followed him to the table.

As soon as I sat down Alice switched seats to be next to me. 'Hi you must be Holly?' Alice asked and I nodded uncomfortably. 'Nice to meet you finally.'. Alice cheered and Edward shot her a glare. 'So tell me about yourself what's your favourite colour?, who was your first kiss? What's your favourite song?' Alice asked eagerly and Jasper shot her a glare this time. 'You can answer one of those if you like.'. Alice added. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat thinking about what I should say. 'White is pretty cool.'. I said smiling. 'Yeah it is.'. Alice replied and I noticed she was admiring my bracelet. 'Whites a shade.'. Rosalie snapped and I felt my face heating up. 'Where did you get the bracelet?' Alice asked me, I was glad she gave me the chance to ignore Rosalie without seeming rude. 'My friend Paul gave it to me last night.'. I replied and a wave of relaxation flooded my body, how weird? 'Paul who?' Jasper asked suspiciously. 'Lahote.' I said casually and everyone's expressions immediately changed. Then I saw Edward whisper something in Alice's ear and the relaxation went away and I became uncomfortable again.

After school Jasper walked me to my car. 'Would you like to hang out tomorrow? We have a snow day.' Jasper asked and politely opened my car door for me. 'Okay but I don't think it will be a snow day tomorrow.' I laughed and Jasper did his typical charming smile. He slowly walked off and I couldn't help smiling to myself, not only did I talk to Jasper but I sat at the same table as him.

Sure enough the next day it was a snow day. I was eating breakfast with mum when I heard a knock at the door. 'I'll get it.'. Mum said and she walked over to the door. 'Hols it's for you.' Mum called out and I walked over to see she was speaking to Jasper. 'I like this one.'. Mum said and I hung my head in embarrassment. 'Have fun.'. She added and handed me my parka.
'So what do you have planned?' I asked Jasper and he rushed over to open the car door for me. 'I'm taking you to meet my parents.'. He said proudly. I hadn't noticed before but every time I'm with Jasper we are never alone, not that I didn't mind of course anytime with him at all was great.

When we finally arrived to his house I noticed how open it was full of big windows. As soon as I  walked through the door I was greeted in a tight hug by Alice.
'Hi.'. I said happily. Alice smiled back and took my hand leading me threw the house where I saw Carlisle and Esme. 'Nice to meet you.'. Esme said and gave me a hug. 'I've heard all about you from working with your mum, Lily.'. Carlisle said and I hoped mum said nothing embarrassing. 'Do you need anything to eat or drink?' Esme asked, she had a sweet voice and I felt immediate acceptance from her. 'No I already ate but thankyou.'. I said and Jasper stood beside me smiling down at me. I then saw Carlisle do the same nod I saw Sam do to Paul the other day.
Jasper lead me upstairs into his room which was very open. 'It's amazing.'. I said and wondered around admiring all his things. 'I need to tell you something.'. Jasper said and he looked rather uncomfortable. 'Anything.'. I breathed and Jasper came closer to me.

'I'm a Vampire'

Jasper Hale Love Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now