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Bella,Edward,Jasper and I pulled up at school. 'Wait here.'. Edward warned but Bella got out of the car anyways so Jasper and I followed her lead.
There stood Paul and Jacob with stern looks on there faces.
'Heard you left town.'. Jacob said bitterly to Bella and Edward chuckled to himself. 'He's checking to see if you're still human.'. Edward said and Paul looked like he was about to have a fit.
'We came here to warn you.'. Paul retorted. 'About what?' I asked and he completely ignored you. 'That if your kind come on our land again.'. Jacob began and Edward stopped him. 'What's going on?' Bella asked and Jasper stood closer to me, I wasn't surprised he didn't use his ability to calm the situation.
'Didn't you tell her?' Jacob questioned with a sly smile on his face.
'She is the one the red head wants after all.'. Paul added.
'Victoria's here and you didn't tell me?' Bella said hotly. 'I was trying to keep you safe.'. Edward said softly and Jacob rolled his eyes. 'Yeah bye lying to me.'. She then walked off with Jacob. 'What's she doing?' I whispered to Jasper and he shrugged.

Paul started walking off, he hadn't talked to me for almost a month. 'Wait.'. I called out and he turned around swiftly.
I didn't even have anything to say and I was almost gagging from the pain on his face when he looked at me.
Paul turned back around and walked over to his bike he was soon out of sight along with Bella and Jacob.

In history class I sat with Jasper, of course. We where learning about the British Invasion.
'Is Victoria the only thing I should be worried about?'. Jasper looked at me and he grabbed my hand. 'Unlike Bella you don't have to worry about anything.'. Jasper said trying to make a joke out of the situation. 'What about the newborn army?'.
'What about it?'
'Are you going to do something?'
'Only if needs be'
I grew frustrated at Jasper's lack of interest in the topic.

Jasper and I took a seat at the Cullen's lunch table and everyone watched as I took a bite from my apple. 'Where's Bella?' Rosalie asked suspiciously. 'With Jacob.'. Edward said calmly. 'Why can't she be like Holly and not get herself into trouble!'. Rosalie spat and I shifted uncomfortably.

A protection program started up for Bella and Charlie because Victoria was still hanging around. I watched football with Emmett and he was teaching me how the game works, while in the background Alice was arranging things for the party after graduation.
I looked up and Bella and Edward walked into the room. 'Hey.'. I greeted.

Graduation came around quicker than ever. Mum of course took lots of pictures with me,The Cullen's and Bella. I was surprised how much Rosalie and my mum got along.
'Holly Jane Underwood.'. The principal called and I nervously walked up on stage.
'Thanks.'. I mumbled as he handed me my diploma and I stumbled off stage.

Later that night was Alice's graduation party. A old song began to play and Jasper spun me around in the spot. 'You know how much I can't dance.'. I joked and Jasper rolled his eyes. He spun me around again but something caught my eye. Jacob and few of the other wolf pack members including Paul where talking to Bella. 'Let's go.'. I urged and we walked over to them. 'They're coming here.'. I heard Alice say, she seemed pretty worried.
The Cullen's gathered together and the Wolves that had attended the party.
'If a newborn army is coming for us we will all need some training.'. Carlisle said calmly and Jasper wrapped his arm around my waist. 'The pack will fight.'. Jacob spoke up standing out
of his seat. 'No.'. Bella said and I walked out of the room, I couldn't handle it.

'Bella,Bella,Bella that's all I ever hear.'. I thought out loud and kicked the nearby table. 'I agree.'. Rosalie said coming out of nowhere.
'You know I haven't been out shopping in a while would you like to go, tomorrow?' Rosalie asked and she patted me on the back trying to calm me down. 'Yeah sure I'd like that.'. Paul suddenly entered the room. 'Are you okay?'. He came up and gave me a hug. 'Fine just needed a breather.'. I lied. He roared with laughter. 'You're a terrible lier.'. He taunted and playfully bumped me on the shoulder.

'You're to important to me that I can't loose you.'. I confessed. 'I'm sorry I haven't been there for you but I needed time to think.'. Paul said and I bit my lip. 'I do love you Paul but as a brother.'. He smiled down at me and stroked my cheek softly. 'I know.'.

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