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Taehyung's POV

The day went surprisingly fast and Jungkook and I were currently sprawled across our beds, engaged in a mildly boring conversation.


I watch as Jungkook pulls out his phone, checking to see who had messaged him.

His face was lit up in a grin as he typed up a response on his phone, his cheeks turning slightly red. I shift uncomfortably in my bed as I continue to watch him.

He gets off the bed, walking towards the other side of the room to put his shoes on.

"I'm going to go meet up with a, uh- friend." Jungkook says and I try not to show how fast my face fell.

"Um, alright. Have fun," I say, attempting to smile.

"Will do." And with that, he's out the door faster than light. I sigh, taking out my English work and try to get some homework done.

Two hours pass and I decide to take a break. I put away all my paper work and lean back on my bed, momentarily closing my eyes.

Jungkook hasn't returned yet and I find myself getting bored. I decide to play games on my phone to pass time, and before I know it, my eyes start feeling drowsy.

I switch my phone off, setting onto the nightstand. My eyes flutter shut and I'm pulled into a slightly comfortable darkness.


Jungkook's POV

I feel bad for leaving Taehyung alone back at the dorm but I couldn't help it. I already managed to get a hot chick's number and she insisted that we met up.

"Helloo? Kookie~" Minji whines, snapping me out of my momentarily daze. "Sorry about that." I chuckle, taking a sip from my drink.

Minji and I were currently at a nearby coffee shop. I only met her today, but she seems nice. And plus, she's got a nice ass body.

We continue to talk. Well, Minji mostly whines, making me cringe every once in a while.

Once it's late, I decide it's time to head back to the dorms. "Sorry, Minji. But I gotta go, I'll see you later, yeah?" I grin and she eagerly nods her head.

"I'll see you some other time. Bye, Jungkook," she says and I exit the café, walking towards the dorms.

Once I reach there, I quietly open the door. All the lights were out, indicating that Taehyung was probably sleeping already.

A smile creeps up onto my face as I see Taehyung snuggled in his blankets, lips slightly parted and emitting soft snores.

I strip out of my clothes until I'm left in only my boxers. I crawl into bed, rolling over every few minutes. My eyes avert to Taehyung's sleeping body, chest moving up and down with every inhale and exhale.

My eyes slowly close as I listen to Taehyung's deep breaths quietly fill the dorm.


"No!" I hear a strangled cry, waking me up from my deep sleep. I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes as I check the time. 3:32am. What the fuck?

Another muffled sob causes me to twist my face in confusion. I look over to Taehyung's bed, and watch as his body twitches and thrashes in his sleep.

I quietly get off of my bed, switching the lamp on and shuffling over to Taehyung's bed.

My breath hitches once I see Taehyung's face contorted in pain, and his face covered in sweat. He must be having a nightmare.

I cautiously bring my hand up to his shoulder, gently shaking it. Taehyung whimpers, tears staining his cheeks.

"Taehyung-ah, wake up." I whisper shout, shaking his shoulder a little harder.

His eyes immediately snap open and he lets out a tortured cry. "A-Are you okay?" I ask, prying his hands off of his face but he pulls his hand away sharply.

"D-Don't touch m-me!" He cries, his body shivering.

"Taehyung, pleas-" "I said don't fucking touch me!" He cuts me off, yelling at me, making me flinch and take a step back.

"Taehyung-ah, it's just me, Jungkook," I try to say with a soothing tone but he turns around in his bed so that his back is facing me. I frown.

"Just, g-go back to sleep. A-And don't acknowledge anything." He says, his voice completely hoarse from the yelling.

"I will, but are you okay?" I ask, genuinely worried about him.

"I'm fine." He snaps. "Now go back to sleep," he says and I frown, switching the lamp off and walking back towards my own bed.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I can't seem to fall asleep, wondering why Taehyung snapped at me like that.

I shake the uneasiness off and attempt to go back to sleep.


a/n: idfk what im doing ok

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