twenty one.

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Jungkook's POV

I was currently laying in my bed, my eyes staring at the ceiling as I wait for Taehyung to wake up.

Once he does, I'm planning on telling him my feelings for him. They're constantly growing and I need to let him know.

I turn over, my eyes focusing on Taehyung's sleeping body. I smile at the innocent sight in front of my eyes. Taehyung's lips were parted, small snores escaping from them. He looks so peaceful I almost don't want to wake him up. But the fact that it's almost one in the afternoon forces me to.

"Taehyung-ah, wake up." I softly say, placing my hand onto his shoulder to shake it gently.

I watch as Taehyung stirs in his sleep, muttering a curse word under his breath, his eyes still shut.

"It's like, one in the afternoon. You slept through like half the day," I say, shaking his shoulder harder.

His eyes finally flutter open as he groans and stretches his limbs. His hands come up to rub his eyes as if it'd wipe the sleepiness away.

"Morning baby," I gleam, scooting closer to him and caging him in my arms.

"M' Good morning," he lazily responds, still hazy from sleep.

"Tae, I really want to tell you something," I say, taking in a deep breath. This could go so many different ways.

Once Taehyung is fully awake, I decide it's a good time to pour my heart out.

"What is it?" He asks, his hand coming up to play with my hair. I smile, suddenly feeling nervous but giddy at the same time. I need to know he feels the same way.

"Okay. Okay, I'm going to try not to be cheesy but no promises," I start and his face twists in confusion. "God, this has been bothering me for the past week." I groan and Taehyung motions for me to continue.

"Okay, so I didn't plan this or anything. But, Taehyung, I wanted to let you know that, fuck, lately I can't stop thinking about you," I nervously say and I watch as his eyes go wide. "Look, I don't want to sound weird but I think I'm falling for you, Taehyung. Everything about you is absolutely flawless, I swear to God. Your eyes, your smile, the way you laugh, your lips, God, don't even get me started on those lips," I nervously chuckle and Taehyung looks flustered as hell.

"Anyways. I'm so fucking glad I ended up being your roommate because quite frankly, you're the best thing that's happened to me, as cheesy as it sounds. But it's true, Tae. You always, always make my day," I say and Taehyung has a small smile on his face.

"Jungkook, I-" he starts but I reluctantly cut him off. "Wait, Taehyung, I'm not finished," I continue. "I know I'm not perfect and all, and you are, but I really want you to give me a chance. Because there's nothing in the entire world that'd make me happier than seeing you next to me for the rest of my life. I know I make mistakes, but I'm only human. And I know it seems like I always want to get in your pants, which I do, but that's not all there is to i-"

"Jungkook, I k-"

"I promise, Tae. I know I come off as a pervert, but-"

"Jungkook, I really li-"

"But just please give me a chance because I don't know what I'd do without you. And I promise I like you for you, and not only for your bod-"

"Jungkook! Shut the fuck up for a second," Taehyung says, cutting me off and I flush in embarrassment.

"Jungkook, of course I like you too. I like you a lot. Every time we talk, I feel like there's a billion butterflies. And my heart beats a thousand times a second every time you touch me," he blushes, looking up at me.

"Wait, so if I asked you to be my boyfriend, would you say yes?" I cautiously ask and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Are you fucked? Of course I'd say yes you dumb ass," he says.

"Then be mine."


"Be my boyfriend," I say, biting down on my lower lip and waiting for Taehyung to answer.

"Are you serious?" He asks and I let out a laugh.

"Of course I'm serious."

I watch in surprise as Taehyung practically throws himself on me, crashing his lips down onto mine. It takes me a moment before I shut my eyes and respond to the kiss.

He pulls back and I bring my hand up to his face, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"I take that as a yes?"

He leans down, placing his lips onto the corner of mine and letting it linger before pulling back again.

"Of course," he breathes and I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist and bringing him as close to me as possible.

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