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Jungkook's POV

It was currently almost twelve in the morning and I need to go back to the dorms, but Minji just won't stop whining.

"Minji, we've been through this before. I have to leave. And I told you. I'm not interested in you any more. So let go of me so I can leave, please." I say, trying not to sound too harsh.

I watch in annoyance as she pouts, trying to act cute. No one can pull off a pout like Taehyung, though.

"Please, Jungkookie. Just stay with me one more night. That's all I'm asking for! I won't bother you ever again," she says and I sigh as she continues to tug on my shirt.

"Fine, Minji. But after tonight, I'm not speaking a word to you ever again." I snap. I don't care if I sound like an asshole anymore. This chick really needs to back off.

I slip into her large king sized bed, scooting as far away from her as I possibly can.

"Thanks Jungkookie." She says quietly and I mutter a "whatever," before drifting off to sleep.


Ring ring ring

My loud ringtone makes me flutter my eyes open, reaching over and picking it up.

"J-J-J-ungkook?" I hear Taehyung whisper from the other side of the line.

"Taehyung? You okay?" I ask groggily, sitting up.

"I-I n-need you, p-please." Taehyung cries over the phone and I immediately dash off of Minji's bed.

"I'm coming, Taehyung. Stay right there." I mutter through the phone.

God, I feel incredibly stupid for leaving Taehyung alone in the dorm. But it was the only way to get rid of Minji.

Taehyung's POV

"J-Jungkook. A-A-Ar-"

I pathetically cry over the phone to Jungkook. "Shh, Tae. I'll be there soon, okay? In the meantime, why don't you calm down and take slow breaths," he soothingly says and I try to but as soon as I do, my breath gets caught in my throat and I let out a strangled cry.

"J-Jungkook, I c-c-can't," I whisper, voice shaking and unsteady. I let out a whimper, holding the phone close to my ear and folding my knees into my chest.

"A-A-Are y-you here y-yet?" I ask and I hear Jungkook sigh.

"Baby, I'm almost there. Take deep, slow breaths until I get there, okay?" He says and I nod as if he can see me through the phone.

I take a shaky breath in, and let it out, tears still rapidly flowing down my cheeks.

Once i hear the door opening, I toss my phone away and wait for Jungkook to approach.

He strides over to my bed, sitting down on the edge and bringing my quivering body into his arms.

"Taehyung, shh. I'm here now, see?" He whispers, cupping my cheeks and wiping the majority of my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

"I-I d-d," I try to form words but I simply can't. I breathe out, closing my eyes as Jungkook lays me back down on the bed, still in his arms.

I grab a hold of Jungkook's t-shirt, burying my face into it as I let out a muffled cry, his shirt getting soaked in a matter of seconds.

Jungkook doesn't say anything. He just runs his hand up and down my bare back soothingly and finally, after minutes of sobbing into his chest, I'm able to form words.

"Jungkook," I whisper hoarsely, loud enough for him to hear.


"Don't ever fucking leave me again."

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