thirty three.

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Jungkook's POV

This past week all I've been thinking about was how bad I messed up.

I'm currently standing in front of Yoongi's dorm, contemplating if I should go in or not. I heard he was good at giving advice.

I take in a deep breath, hesitating before knocking on his dorm.

I hear shuffling before the door swings open, revealing Yoongi in basketball shorts and a grey hoodie, hair messed as if he'd been sleeping.

"Jungkook? What're you doing here?" Yoongi asks, letting me in and I let out a huff.

"I need advice. Two weeks ago I walked in on T-"

"Yeah. I heard, don't worry. You walked in on Tae and Hoseok kissing. You didn't listen to Taehyung's side of the story and your butthurt ass left Taehyung. You fucked Minji two days later and now you regret it. What else is there to say?" Yoongi scoffs and I frown.

"Hyung you don't understand. I was so caught up in the moment, I didn't know what to do. You're right. I should have let him explain properly but I didn't. And about the Minji thing, I didn't mean it. I was half drunk." I groan, slumping into the bed opposite to Yoongi's.

"Have you talked to him since that day? Messaged him or anything?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"You dumb fuck. Why not? He misses you. And he's also upset with the fact that you did the dirty with Minji." Yoongi says and I look up.

"What? How does he know about Minji?" I hiss and he chuckles darkly.

"When Jimin called you that night, Tae was with him and he heard everything. And yet he still misses your lame ass."

"No he doe-"

"Yes, yes he does. Apparently he called out for you in his sleep. Multiple times, might I add." Yoongi says, crossing his legs and my eyes widen.

"How do you know?"

"Because. Jimin told me. He's been staying with Tae this whole time. Which means I haven't fucked that plush ass since almost two weeks ago. All because of your dumb, uneducated ass." Yoongi says, rolling his eyes and I scrunch my nose.

"What do I do then? Is it too late?"

"Are you high? Of course it isn't too late." Yoongi says and I scoff.

"Why're you acting like you know everything?" I ask and he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Because. I've been doing this whole relationship thing for almost four years now. I know the basics. Now go on, send him a message saying you miss him. It'll make him happy." Yoongi says.

"Are you sure it's not too la-?"

"No, you fool. For a relationship to grow stronger, you need to express your feelings. It's good to have problems so you can learn from them and not repeat it. And you need to go have a talk with him. Tell him it's your fault because it is." Yoongi smugly finishes off and I groan, pulling my phone out.

"Chop chop. He's waiting." Yoongi says, motioning towards my phone.

Me: can we talk?
Me: i miss u

I shut my phone off before turning my attention back to Yoongi.

"Um, can I stay in here for the night?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows.

"And why's that?"

"Not ready to face him yet. Please? Just for tonight." I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Help yourself."


Taehyung's POV

Jimin and I were currently sprawled across my bed, chattering about random things.

I feel my phone vibrate against my thigh and I quickly take it, my heart almost leaping out of my ribcage once I see it's Jungkook.

"Jimin, oh my God. It's Jungkook," I say, frantically waving my phone in the air.

He quickly shuffles across to me, looking over my shoulder.

"Open it," He says eagerly and I take a deep breath once I open his messages.

Jungkook: can we talk
Jungkook: i miss u

I almost let out a squeal, getting ready to type up a response but Jimin's hands immediately stop me.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let go," I say, struggling to get my phone out of his grip.

"Don't message him yet. Let him know you're mad, Tae." Jimin says and I stubbornly shake my head.

"But I'm not mad! I don't care, I just want him back." I pout and Jimin tsks, setting my phone on the night stand.

"Now go to sleep." Jimin tuts, switching the lamp off and turning his back to me.

Within ten minutes, Jimin is already snoring his ass off. I reach over, quickly grabbing my phone and opening Jungkook's messages.

Me: i miss u too ..
Me: r u awake

Jungkook: yes
Jungkook: staying over at yoongi's dorm
Jungkook: listen, im rlly sorry. this whole thing is a mess and i shouldve listened to u

My heart tugs, wanting to believe him. And of course, me being so naive, I do believe him.

Me: can we not talk about this over txt pls

Jungkook: right. can we meet up? rn

Me: idk if thats a good idea ..

Jungkook: pls,, i need to see u tae

Me: fine, meet me in the hall outside my dorm

My heart is beating a million times a second. Finally, after two weeks of no contact with Jungkook, I get to see him. I don't know whether I should be happy or upset.

I quickly get out of bed, cringing when I hear the bed springs squeak. I tiptoe out of the dorm, waiting outside the hallway.

A few moments later, I see a figure walking down the hall, towards me.

Once Jungkook is in front of me, I just stare at him, and he stares back awkwardly.

"Listen, Tae. Hear me out. I'm really super sorry. I didn't mean to go to Minji. I was just so, so- pissed when I saw you two. I didn't know what else to do, Tae. I'm stupid. I really am." Jungkook blabs on and I look down.

"Please don't be mad. These past two weeks have been hell. I should've listened to you and I'm sorry. I need you, Tae. I can't live without you." Jungkook's voice breaks and I quickly look up to see a tear rolling down his cheek.

My own lip starts to quiver and I step forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. I feel a pair of arms sliding around my waist, squeezing the life out of me.

The smell of his cologne fills my nostrils and I can't get enough.

"I can't believe I ever thought about leaving you," He murmurs and I whimper as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I promise it won't happen again. Never again." Jungkook breathes and I pull back.


Jungkook's POV

"Come back to our dorm." Taehyung says, tugging on my arm and I feel as though a million weights just got lifted off my shoulders.

"Just keep quiet though. Jimin's asleep in my bed." Taehyung giggles, opening the door to his dorm to lead me inside.

Before I enter the dorm, I peek my head out in the direction of Yoongi's dorm and a smile breaks off my lips once I see Yoongi leaning against his door, a smug look on his face. He gives me a thumbs up and I mouth a thank you before following Taehyung inside our dorm.


a/n: i lov yoongs

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