thirty one.

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Taehyung's POV

"What would you do if I perhaps, did this? Hmm?" He snarls, inching the knife closer to my mother's neck.

"Stop! Don't, please." I beg, even going down on my knees.

"Why would I listen to you. You made my life miserable, you filthy dog! I will make you pay for it." He growls, continuously scraping the knife against my mother's neck.


My eyes snap open and the feeling of dampness is felt on my face. I let out a cry, my arms roaming around and searching for Jungkook but I stop once I realize he isn't here.

My body is drenched in sweat and my hair is stuck to my forehead. I grab my phone with shaky hands and switch it on, checking the time.


My fingers hastily go up and I click contacts before scrolling down to Jimin's name.

Me: jimin
Me: i fucked up
Me: i fucked up really bad

jimin is typing...

Jimin: what? tf r u going on about ? it's 12 am r u ok

Me: jungkook left ..

Jimin: what? call me rn

I let out a shaky breath, pressing the call button and Jimin picks up after two short rings.


"Jimin," I sob into the phone and I hear a grunt from the other side of the phone. Probably Yoongi.

"Taehyung, what happened?" He asks worriedly and all I can do is hiccup, my hands continuing to tremble.

"I-I- H-Hoseok, h-he- k-k-kissed me," I stutter and I hear a sigh.

"Tae, I barely know what you're saying. Stay there. I'm coming." Jimin says and the line goes dead.

A few minutes later, the door opens and my eyes avert through the darkness as I listen to what I'm assuming is Jimin's footsteps. The lamp turns on and I'm faced with Jimin, wearing an extremely concerned expression.

The bed dips down with his weight as he settles himself next to me.

"Tae, what happened to you?" Jimin sadly asks and I shake my head in remorse.

"I went to check on H-Hoseok hyung's dorm today a-and he told me he's in l-l-love with me and I d-didn't know what to say. And- and then he kissed me, hyung. He kissed me and I t-tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. A-and Jungkook walked in on us," I blubber out, sobbing into my hands.

"What'd Kookie do?" Jimin asks, pulling me into his arms and I let out a shaky breath.

"He thought I was kissing him. But I wasn't! I swear to God I wasn't! H-He said we needed a break," I say and Jimin sighs.

"Maybe you guys do need a break." Jimin says, rubbing circles onto my back.

"No, hyung, no! I love him, I love him with every fibre of my being." I cry into Jimin's arms, soaking his shirt but I don't care.

"C-Can you call him? Please, hyung. I need to hear his voice. That's all I need." I say, and I know I sound pathetic but his voice is the only thing that can calm me down.

"Fine. It's not that late so he shouldn't be sleeping." Jimin says, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling Jungkook's number.

Jimin puts his cellphone on speaker and with every unanswered ring, my heart thuds faster.

I almost lose hope, until he picks up on the last ring and I sigh out in relief.

Some shuffling is heard in the background before he speaks.

"H-Hello?" His voice sounds like he'd been running a marathon. It sounded like he was panting and breathing heavily.

"Kook? Hey. It's Jimin. Where are you?" Jimin says into the phone and I hold my breath nervously.

"Um- I'm out," He says and suddenly, a loud, and downright obnoxious voice is heard.

"Kookie, come back so we can finish." An all too familiar voice whines.

"Wait, baby. I'm on the phone." He says and I feel my heart shatter into a million different pieces.

"Um, are you busy?" Jimin asks awkwardly.

"Sort of, yeah. I'll call you back later." And then the line went dead.


a/n: ya'll don't know how fucking painful this is to write fuckfuckfuck

also ty sm Vkookookieislife bc she helped me so so much w finding the right plot so ty i rlly appreciate it <33

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