thirty two.

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Taehyung's POV

My alarm wakes me up and I let out a sigh as the events of last night replay in my head for the thousandth time.

My blood boils at the thought of Jungkook and Minji. How could he? It's not like I kissed Hoseok on purpose.

Beside me, Jimin groans, sitting up and stretching.

"Tae? How're you feeling?" Jimin asks, shuffling closer to me.

"I feel like shit, hyung. Absolute fucking shit." I mutter.

"I'm sorry. None of this should've happened," Jimin says and I scrunch my face in pain, closing my eyes.

"Alright. Well, unfortunately we can't do anything about it. So cheer up a bit, yeah?" Jimin says and I scoff.

"As if."

Jimin shuffles off the bed, dragging my arm and getting me to stand up.

"Are you going to class today?" Jimin asks and I shake my head.

"No. I don't have the energy to." I say and Jimin gives me a sympathetic look.

"Okay. I'll stay with you. Let's go out and buy you some shit to cheer you up!" Jimin says, attempting to lighten the mood. I just sigh, changing into a pair of baggy black pants and a grey hoodie. I slip the hood onto my head, slipping on a pair of sandals. I am aware I probably appear like a hobo but I don't care.

"Come on," Jimin says, slinging his arm around mine and dragging me out the door.

"We're gonna borrow Yoongi hyung's car." He says, stopping by Yoongi's dorm to pick up his car keys. We exit the dorms and silently walk towards his car.

We both slip inside and Jimin starts the car, driving towards a Walmart.

(a/n: idk if theres a walmart in korea but if there isnt lets just pretend there is)

He pulls up into a large driveway and I lazily get out, following Jimin inside.

He pulls out a shopping cart as we mindlessly roam around the humongous store.

"Alright, let's see." Jimin says, stroking his chin, causing me to let out a quiet giggle.

We go from aisle to aisle and Jimin picks up items ranging from instant ramen, bags of chips, and two large tubs of ice cream along with multiple different types of candies and sweets.

"Oh! Can we get this, please hyung?" I ask, eying the large bag of sourpatch kids.

"Of course. Go ahead," Jimin smiles, picking up a bag and tossing it in the cart. Once we were satisfied with the huge pile of junk food, we go to the cash and Jimin pays for everything.

"Thanks, hyung." I smile as we walk back towards Yoongi's car.

"Hey, no problem. I just want you to be happy." Jimin says as we both get into the car.

Once we reach the dorms, Jimin grabs the bags as we walk towards my dorm.

Once we get inside, I plop down onto my bed, and Jimin sits next to me, pulling my laptop out from under the bed.

He turns it on, logging into his Netflix as he scrolls through the movies.

Throughout the day, we end up watching a rom com, a horror movie, The Vow, and old episodes of Spongebob Squarepants.

The two of us snacked on the food we bought, and by the end of the day, we were both bloated.

I yawn, sitting up to stretch. "Thanks for today, hyung." I say quietly and Jimin smiles, about to say something when his phone rings.

"Hello?" Jimin says in his phone, a smile lighting up his face.

"Yeah. I'm just with Taehyung...Huh?...Yeah, I'll be back soon...Love you more," He blushes, hanging up and I sigh, closing my eyes.

My phone suddenly vibrates and my heart speeds up. What if it's Jungkook?

My hopes quickly shoot back down once I open my messages.

Seokjin: hey tae. heard what happened. u doing ok?

Me: a bit better thx to chim. ty for asking. :)

Seokjin: no problem. call me if u need anything. good night

I sigh, shutting off my phone and turning around to face Jimin who's currently on his phone, laying down next to me.

"Goodnight Jimin." I say, snuggling into my pillow and closing my eyes.


Jimin's POV

A loud sob causes me to open my eyes, squinting around the room.

"No! Please, no!" Taehyung shouts in his sleep and I'm not sure if I should wake him up or not. So I quickly lean over, switching the lamp on.

I gasp as I see Taehyung's sweat drenched body thrashing around next to me as he continues to yell.

I lean over, shaking his shoulder. "Tae, um, wake up," I try, and his body shifts slightly, eyes still shut.

"Jungkook?" He suddenly whispers, hands searching the air for what I'm assuming is Jungkook.

"Jungkook," Taehyung breathes, grabbing onto my arm and rubbing his cheek against it, whimpering.

"Taehyung, it's Jimin." I say, louder this time and his eyes snap open, widening.

"Jungkook! Where's is he? Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, frantically looking around the room in hopes of finding the brown haired boy.

"Tae, it's Jimin. Jungkook isn't here." I softly say and Taehyung's lips start to quiver, his breath hitching, making my heart shatter into two.

"It's okay, shh. You'll be fine, Taehyung. Promise." I say, attempting to soothe him. I pull him into a hug, slowly lulling him back to sleep.


a/n: can they just make up already this is killing me

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