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a/n: order of the chapters got messed up but it's fixed now fuck wattpd srsly

Taehyung's POV

As soon as Hoseok and Jimin finally left, I trudged over to Jungkook's bed where he was concentrating on the assignment again.

I plop down next to him and see what he was having difficulty with. "Need help?" I ask and he instantly nods his head.

"Yes please," he groans and I sigh, taking his notebook and reading over what he has down already.

"Wow, this isn't even that bad. Just try to develop your answers a bit more because they're way to brief. Also, for this question you need to introduce the topic," I start and Jungkook looks at me, amazed.

I continue helping him with the assignment before my eyes start to feel drowsy.

"Mm Jungkook, I think I'll go to bed now," I yawn, getting off his bed and stripping out of my clothes. I shuffle over to my own bed, snuggling deep inside my blankets and sighing in content.

I close my eyes while Jungkook continues to finish up his work. Minutes later, I've finally fallen asleep.


"Taehyung." He spits, "even your name fucking disgusts me."

"Father, please stop! Look at him, he's so scared," I watch as my sister enters the room, her eyes wide in fear, much like my own.

"Quiet! And get out. Stop defending him! He doesn't deserve it." He sneers. "Now leave! Go!" He shouts at my sister and she flinches, giving me an apologetic look before scurrying out of the room.

My father walks over to the table, grabbing something that looks like a piece of metal. My eyes widen as I realize it's a small knife.

He takes a step forward, a permanent scowl etched on his face.

"N-N-No, please," I beg, my body is now shivering as I attempt to take a few steps back but I stumble on something, making me fall on my bottom.

"I don't want to hear another whimper from you. Understand?" He grimaces and I stay silent.

He takes my face in his hands, cupping my cheeks. He then brings the small objects towards my face, sliding the edge of it onto my tear stained cheek.

At this point, I don't feel pain. I don't feel any pain. My body is far too numb to be able to feel anything. All I could do is close my eyes, letting everything sink in all at once...


My eyes snap open and my body jolts upright. I look around the room, and the surroundings seem familiar. I then realize that I'm safely in my dorm, Jungkook sleeping soundly on the other bed.

I let out a sigh of relief, tears continuing to roll down my cheek as I once again look over at Jungkook's bed.

He's still asleep, which is a good sign because that means I didn't yell in my sleep like I often do.

I let out another shaky breath, my hands still quivering. I carefully untangle myself from my duvet and slip out of my bed, walking towards Jungkook's.

I hesitate before quietly slipping into Jungkook's bed, getting under the covers. He slightly stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake up.

I shift, trying to get into a comfortable position. I shuffle closer to Jungkook's body, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling into his chest. His body warmth was enough to ease my shivering, and I slowly close my eyes.

"Night, Jungkook."


A loud groan causes me to get pulled out of my comfortable slumber. I open my eyes, turning my head to see Jungkook stretching.

"Hey, you're awake," he says, voice raspy. He leans back down, engulfing me in his arms.

"Mhm," I mumble, enjoying the wonderful feeling of being this close to him.

"When did you get in my bed?" He asks curiously and I shrug.

"Um, I uh- I had another nightmare," I say, looking down.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, Tae. I would've slept next to you but by the time I finished my homework, you were already asleep and I didn't want to disturb you." He says, frowning.

"It's okay. You're here now," I say, smiling.

It was a Friday morning, but we didn't have classes today, thank god. I didn't have the energy to get up and actually do something.

So I stay in Jungkook's arms, not wanting to leave the amazingly comfortable warmth.


The rest of the day was going by smoothly. I was currently cuddled with Jungkook on my bed, playing games on my phone while Jungkook and I talked about random things.

Suddenly, my phone dies and I groan in annoyance while it shuts down.

"What's wrong?" I hear Jungkook say, his breath tingling the back of my neck.

"My phone just died," I turn over to face him, pouting. Jungkook chuckles, taking my phone and tossing it somewhere on the bed.

"Good." He says and I tilt my head in confusion before he cups my neck, bringing my face closer to his.

He plants a small kiss on both my cheeks, then traveling up to the tip of my nose.

I giggle when I feel his breath tickling my skin. His lips then travel to my forehead, kissing it longer than the rest. I close my eyes, leaning into his touch and practically purring in content.

Right when his lips were about to touch my own, his phone rings, making me jump slightly, pulling away as I frown at him.

"Fuck. Sorry, let me just take this call." He says, pulling his phone from his pocket while I was still sitting on his lap.

I lay my head on his chest as he speaks into the phone. "Hey, uh, Minji? What's up," he says and I immediately frown, pulling off of his chest to see his expression, which looked quite annoyed might I add.

Doesn't she get the hint? Why the hell does she keep throwing herself at Jungkook? He's obviously not interested in her.

"Right now? I don't know if I coul-" Jungkook was cut off by a loud whine, coming from the other end of the phone. God, his phone wasn't even on speaker yet I could still hear her loud and obnoxious voice.

"Fine, I'll leave in five minutes." Jungkook says and I can't help the anger that boils through me.

Once he hangs up, he turns his attention back to me. "I'm so sorry, Taehyung. I've gotta go in a few minutes. It's Minji, she won't leave me alone," he explains and I cross my arms, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"You could've just told her no," I said stubbornly.

"I did, Tae. You even saw how stubborn she is. She doesn't take no as an answer," Jungkook continues.

"Just don't go. Please?" I say, attempting to act cute.

"This'll be the last time. I promise. After today, I'm ending things with her." He says and I unfold my arms, feeling a bit more satisfied.

He pries my small body off of his, getting off the bed but I tug on his shirt sleeve. Jungkook chuckles, leaning down to peck me on the lips.

"Bye, Tae. I'll see you soon." He says, heading out the door, leaving me frowning alone on the bed.

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