Chapter Two.

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Louis POV:

Being a part of a royal family always seemed like a good thing, I wish that applied to me. I'm the only son of King William, if I was to choose my own family, I would have picked a better one. It's not as if they treat me badly, it's just the fact that they have been hiding something from me ever since I was old enough to understand words.

It started with petty warnings of not playing alone. Then it escalated to no walks or going out after dark. I tried asking them why I and not my sisters but they always made up an excuse that would make me roll my eyes mentally, and drop the subject. Now, I get how whiny I sound and I get that people have it worse, but breathing the night air is more refreshing than having to smell the sun and the light that came with it always bothered me. So, the more I grew up the less frequent my visits to the garden became. My mom was worried because she knows I love looking at the flowers, caressing the Leafs, smelling the Orchids, and she has every right to do so, I just lost interest and grew bored of observing the night from my bedroom window.

I can hear you say, why hadn't I tried sneaking out, I tried that. It did not end well on my behalf. I was able to see the night that time, I was enchanted with how dark yet the brightness it brought on my soul was anything but sinister. I wanted to live in the night and never come out of it, I decided to venture into the woods, I thought that I know the roads when it's day time, why should it be hard when the Luna was in full formation so why not.

I ended up getting lost between the branches and how magical the woods looked like without the harsh orange that always covered them in the morning. I tried turning back but everything looked so similar in the darkness that I got astray in the middle of the woods, and in that moment, darkness didn't seem so bright. I was in there for a few hours before I was found by two military men and one of the servants that knew the way to the wood in the dark.

It was a long time ago, I have two guards on my door and two under my window. I have grown to be accustomed to, they do make me feel safe.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door, I fussed with the bow tie for a second before shouting come in. I glanced at the body length mirror and smiled brightly when I saw my dear friend, and personal escort, Thomas.

 I glanced at the body length mirror and smiled brightly when I saw my dear friend, and personal escort, Thomas

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Thomas was assigned to be my personal guard for two years now. He's twenty-nine years old, he has a wife and a cute little boy named Ethan. Thomas is a really nice man, looks and personality wise, almost every maid in the palace swoon when they see him. I can't lie that I have glanced at him from time to time, but his age and my place in the family made me act civil with him. But one can't stare at art in itself without appreciating how beautiful it is.

"What brings you in my presence, dear Tom?" I asked, a small smile threatening to break.

He looked down at the floor as he chuckled, "the queen said that you might need help with your bow tie."

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