Chapter Thirty Three.

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Thank you all for 10k I'm so happy about it so here's a double update to thank you all.

Thank you all for 10k I'm so happy about it so here's a double update to thank you all

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Wilson POV:

          Fear. One word, four letters, and a very complex emotion. Everyone will feel it at some point in their life's whether it be fear of death, darkness, or even fear of losing someone dear to you. No one can live without once experiencing it no matter how many times you try to avoid it, it'll always come uninvited. That's what love and fear share, they always come without knocking and you can't have one without the other. Did you fall in love? Then you signed an unofficial contract with fear. You would experience it throughout your relationship and the array of questions that set doubt and jealousy into one's soul, rarely one can be strong in the face of its challenges.

          The downside of fear is that it attracts the ones who can sniff out its scent on the unsuspected people. How many power-hungry people have craved fear and made sure to instill it into the hearts of all who they wished them to feel? It is not a normal thing for humans to crave fear and when they can't detect it, they go through elaborate plans to make it happen. When fear becomes an exciting thing for a human, humans tend to call those group as monsters. They are not wrongful for labeling them in a distasteful way those people tend to have tunnel vision focused on fear, not caring who gets in their way of accomplishing it and if one or two people die at that expense they wouldn't blink an eye. After all, it would be impossible to meet one of them without them believing that the end justifies the means of their actions. You often encounter these types of thinking in criminals, politicians, and vampires. The latter not known in the mix, but the majority of them believe in it and make it their reason to accomplish the worst.

         I once was one of them, craving fear and scouting out the ones who are easily scared just to enjoy the thrill that zipped through my body at the heaviness of its taste. Not to mention the powerful feeling that the weakness of others does to my head, it inflated it and made me do unforgivable things, even for a vampire, which eventually led to my demise as a pirate. The things I've done to Harry was the final straw to my crew, I do not believe for one second that Harry could ever forgive me for what I've done. And even if he didn't, being immortal is punishment enough. Carrying a heavy weight such as guilt and knowing that you would never get that eternal sleep is called surviving and not living. The idea always casts this glaring hot light on my back that burns and never appear to end no matter how many times you try to avoid it or run from it.

          I had to keep up the front that I wanted revenge when all I really wanted was forgiveness just to make living a bit easier. But it eventually tangled me in this mess that I can't stop it no matter how many times I begged for it. It was Mark's dying wish, he wanted vampires to make use of his power to rescue us out of extinction. Everyone has high hopes in Louis, yet I've taken out my unresolved anger on him. Everyone can feel his will in living is fading and I am the one to blame, I know Ishida is the one doing all the dirty work, but it is I who sent for him when everyone advised against it. I tried to get the information out by using violence but I knew it wouldn't work on someone as strong as Louis before I even did anything to him I knew I would fail. I wish he would've told me before he got to him, his words stung me even when it was not directed to me at all I could only imagine how much those words affected Louis.

         I sighed as I put the palm of my hand on my forehead, I could smell Amara's scent and her new friend looking for either Harry or Louis' room. I know Amara was the first before Louis, despite the fact that she is a girl, being a vampire can deprive the elders of being able to have children's. It failed and Amara suffered the costs of it, losing the love of her life after finally attaining one must have hurt her beyond formal recovery. It has been almost two hundred years since that incident and the fact that she's here means someone must've sent her a letter.

         I can only hope she will be able to get them out of here before Lestat arrives. Because when he does, things will be fire and destruction from there.


Harry POV:

          "How can you describe love to a heartless person such as I, Harry?" Victor asked.

          I was breathing hard as he just pulled the knife away from the torn skin of my chest. I closed my eyes and tried to find something to justify the meaning behind this physical torture. "I do not think you would understand it even if I were to describe it to you. You have to experience it beforehand to understand the magnitude of it. I know someone like you would fall to your knees once you face it," I breathlessly answered. "Can't you remember what was it like to feel love's sting?"

         He gulped loudly as his features faltered in their menacing look. He ignored my question and singled for Allison to give me blood. I gave it no mind as I happily drank the sweet beverage. It was a moment later when I finished drinking and was waiting for my wounds to heal when Victor spoke.

          "I am merely wasting time," he whispered.

          I turned my head to face him as he sat on the edge of a paper-filled desk, staring at the ground. I blinked at his weirdly open demeanor, "time stopped when we were brought back to life. Time is a human expression; it holds no meaning to us," I said to him.

          He chuckled and sniffed loudly before he pushed himself off of the table and I figured this was my chance to ask the question that has been circling my brain ever since I opened my eyes, "Why am I being kept here if your sole objective was to get Louis?"

       Victor turned to look at me with a confused look, "it would be counter-productive if we were to get a hold of a dead person instead of one that is breathing. Human and vampire bonds always end tragically, some earlier than expected but they all meet the same fate. What we are trying to do is keep you two alive as long as we needed. Also, what I'm doing to you is just because I have no other hobby but to cut things and watch them bleed," he smirked. "I can't say Louis' experience is all butterflies and flowers, I could only wish it was me then that vile person," he offhandedly commented.

         "W-what do you mean by that?" I asked but soon remembered the man that stuck a knife into my arm. "A-are you telling me it's that man who's name is Ishida, I presume? What did he do to Louis?" I quickly asked.

          "Ishida's interest is the mind. He believes that once you break someone, mentally, it means that you owe them. It's a very primitive style, yet interesting to watch. He would hold you and make you feel reassured but the words he would whisper in one's ear would break the strongest man in the world." He visibly shivered, "I would hate to end up in his hands."  

          "I-is that how you now have Lestat's location?"

          Victor merely glanced at me then walked out of the room. I groaned loudly and allowed my head to bang on the table I was in.

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