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Time skip: 1840

27 years have passed since Aiden was brought into this world. Everything is going well, actually more than well for Louis and his family.

They can't deny that they did face some struggles in the beginning when they had to tell Aiden that he isn't like other humans. A lot of anger and confusion on both parts but they managed to get past it.

Wilson has disappeared from London and has yet to be found after Victor and Ishida moved to America.

Victor is far too interested with America and it's people to think of going back to Australia and has been checking on with Aiden and his parents whenever he stops by New York. He met a woman during his move around the southern States and they are an item. She was a bit afraid of Victor after knowing what he truly is, but she found a way to cope with it after they both found out about their love for opening things to look inside them. And also their love for anything that is bizarre.

Ishida stayed in America for a year before getting bored with the people and he possibly was still feeling ashamed of what he true to do to Harry. He did stop by when he was about to leave to check on them one last time not entirely sure if he will stop by America.

The group that wanted to stop Wilson from what he intended to do to Louis and Harry are trying to find him, ironically. Everyone was scattered in each continent to look through every nook and cranny to find him. So far their search is turning up with nothing, but they aren't giving up just yet.

Samuel and the ones who survived the destruction of the ship managed to reach America a year after they reached London. They had to get enough money and supplies to get them to America and even when they reach there they don't know how to find their former captain

But eventually, they got to America and were thrilled and surprised to know that their captain had a son. Once they finally crossed paths Louis had a reasonable fear that Harry would drop everything to go back to sea but thankfully Harry wouldn't want his son to follow the same path as he did so he declined and told them about Ishida's desire to roam the oceans and visit places. Thankfully they were able to catch up with him on the shore, with Harry's help, and board the ship with him. Leaving their ship to Harry, he tried declining but they insisted as a token of their admiration for what he had done for them.

Harry hid the ship away in a harbor that isn't close to where they were staying and away from Louis's sight. Not even intending to use it.


Louis has been enjoying his stay in New York. He liked the secluded cabin they had and whenever he missed the city life he would just use his speed to drop by the closest city-like place near them or even going to Queens to see the changes that happened while he was in his own world.

Aiden was taught at home by both his parents. Harry took care of teaching him how to do math, English, and history while Louis took care of teaching him geography, vampire history and the little bit of French that he knew.

They taught him at home until he reached the age of 16 and then they had to enroll him into university where he was really interested in science and politics.

Then his interest started to shift more into politics just as human piracy began to really flourish especially near the cost of America and Britain.

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