Chapter Five.

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Louis POV:

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Louis POV:

  I could feel the movement of the boat and the hard wooden floor beneath me. I groaned at the stiffens in my shoulder as I tried to sit up, but that was proven hard as I was too weak to use my upper strength, and the rope tied around my wrists did not help either. I sighed as my head fell back on the floor, I closed my eyes and tried to collect my thoughts around this situation my family's in. I tried to crane my neck and see what's behind me since I'm facing a wall, but before I could even move my head I heard a groan and it sounded like my father.

  I was confused at the fact that my father is in the same room but I did not allow the thought to dwindle much as I cleared my throat, "F-father?" I said. My voice cracking in the beginning.

  I heard a bit of movement behind me before someone spoke, "Louis? What is happening?" my father asked.

  I tried to hold back my tears at how comforting it is to hear a familiar voice in this situation, "we were set up, father. Kent set us up with these monsters." I croaked out as a silent tear slid down my cheek.

  "W-what are you talking about? Kent would never do this to us!" The tone of disbelief in my father's voice made me start crying harder.

  "H-he did. That monster told me."

  There was a moment of silence as I waited for a reaction from my father but he kept quiet. I was about to say something when I heard movement coming from behind the door of the room we were locked in. I thought I heard my father say that he is sorry but the noise of the door being unlocked drowned it. My breathing quickened as two sets of feet walked heavily into the room. I could feel the tension surrounding the room like a heavy fog surrounding a field. I almost gave a yell as I felt someone grab me from my arm and hoist me up and against the wall, I glared up at whoever moved me harshly, ready to give them a piece of my mind when my eyes fell on green eyes. My breath caught in my throat as I stared into them unconsciously, they appeared to be swirling instead of normal human eyes. My eyes quickly moved to the captain hat he was wearing as it registered with me that he was the one that told me about Kent, he looked so different from when I saw him at night. I swallowed loudly and that seemed to snap him out of whatever we were in. He quickly turned to look at my father who looked sickly pale.

His clothes were askew and his crown was not on his head as he looked up at the captain with a fearsome expression. I wished to never see my father look this scared ever in my life, and it made me wonder if my father knew this man and the reason behind him taking us like this. The captain crouched down to be level with my father, he said something but it was too quite to hear from where I was sitting.

"No, I have not done such a thing!" My father suddenly yelled out.

I gasped in shock and my eyes stared wide as the man kept whispering to him something that was still inaudible to me. I was starting to get worried when my father looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I ignored the fact that the man was still telling my father something that obviously upset him, "what are you saying to him?" I impatiently asked.

My dad's eyes widened as he looked at me and shook his head. The man was still not facing me, but at least they stopped talking. "Again, what are you two talking about!" I demanded.

I heard the man chuckle as he elegantly stood up, he adjusted his hat and slowly turned to face me. I made sure to glare at him with all the hatred I was feeling. His features suddenly changed at my expression.

"You are a spoiled child after all." He amusedly said, though his face remained completely stoic.

I sneered at his comment, "I am not spoiled, I would love to be in on whatever you're telling my father!"

He nodded, "fair enough. I'm going to keep it short because I do not have time for kids." He chuckled as he purposely said that comment, but I ignored it, "your father has been treating poor people a little too unfairly, including me. And I vowed to get my revenge on him if it meant I would have to take my last breath with it too. But now that I am immortal, I'm getting impatient." He explained.

"What did my father do exactly? What did he do that was so bad you had to drag his kids into this?" I quickly asked, hoping that he would answer my questions.

He stared at me for a long moment before he moved in my direction, I was determined to keep eye contact with him as he blankly stared at me. He bent down to my level, he blinked and when he opened his eye, it was red. I gasped as I felt my blood rush in my ears. He slowly leaned into me to the point where I could feel his breath on my cheek. He took a deep breath as his hand suddenly shot up to hold the wall behind me, which made me jump and for my cheek to hit his temple.

I groaned in pain as it felt like I hit a stone instead of bone. I thought he would say something but he just kept his hand on the wall. I could feel the tension coming from him and it was making me want to scream out something random to get him away from me.

"W-what are you doing!" I desperately yelled out as I felt his surprisingly cold nose trail down my neck.

He did not answer me and kept sniffing me. "Get away from him you filthy monster!" My father yelled at him.

The man suddenly stopped and seemed to have an idea. I was worried about what could possibly be on his mind now. He turned his head a little to the left, "I really do not wish to harm your son, and of course, the future king to be. But if you do not admit what you have done to me, I will harm him and your precious daughter." He threatened.

My father sputtered as he tried to say something, "I-I have n-no idea what you want me to admit!" My father yelled in frustration.

The man tutted, "too bad. I really did not wish to do anything but I guess you need a bit of poking."

I gulped in fear as he touched my legs and pulled me a little away from the wall. He stood up and went to sit behind me, I was breathing quickly as I tried to move away from him, but he only grabbed me by the rope around my wrist and pulled me harshly to him.

"Leave me alone, you monster!" I yelled.

He only chuckled as he whispered, "stay still and this won't hurt too much." I shivered as I felt his ice cold hand brush my jaw.

"P-please don't hurt me!" I weakly begged.

I heard him chuckle again, "did not think you would easily cave in."

I shut my mouth quickly as I felt anger surge throughout my veins. I was too busy feeling angry when I felt something sharp pierce my neck. I gasped and I felt paralyzed and heavy not a few seconds from feeling him pierce my skin. I tried to move away from him, again, but I was too heavy and only managed in falling back on him and getting his teeth in me deeper. I gave a weak scream as the pain intensified for a few seconds before everything turned numb. It was hard to keep my eyes open as I stared at the wooden ceiling.

I could hear someone talking but it was too muffled. I sighed as a sudden coldness washed over my limbs before it stopped. I could see dark spots dancing in my vision as I was slowly put down on the floor. I heard a bit of shuffling behind me when someone whispered in my ears, "you taste much better than your scent."

  I gave a weak gasp as I tried to say something, anything but nothing came out as I saw him walk around me. He said something to my father about last warning before he left.

  I could faintly hear my father calling my name, but the dark spots were getting bigger till they covered my whole vision.

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